Conducting Inspections Around the Globe
Inspecting FDA-regulated facilities worldwide to ensure industry compliance with federal laws and rigorous quality standards
On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.
Our vision. Our people. Our everyday efforts to keep you safe. Connect to the latest news, perspectives, and stories from staff.
Read the LatestInspecting FDA-regulated facilities worldwide to ensure industry compliance with federal laws and rigorous quality standards
Engaging the latest science—from artificial intelligence to food technologies —all in the quest to keep you safe
Ensuring the safety of imported FDA-regulated products before they reach U.S. consumers
Keeping you informed about the latest health product scams - and pursuing the bad actors who perpetuate them
Building a world of partners to bolster our public health mission
Working with industry to support an innovative marketplace that's safe for all consumers and patients
Alerting you to the latest recalls of potentially unsafe FDA-regulated products gathered from press releases and other public notices. Not all recalls have press releases or are posted on this website.
Feb 06
Food & Beverages
Jan 31
Food & Beverages
Jan 31
Enforcing U.S. public health laws and helping put bad actors behind bars
Safeguarding more than $1.5 trillion worth of food and providing educational resources related to food safety, cosmetics, and dietary supplements
Ensuring safe and effective drugs are available to improve the health of all Americans
Ensuring blood, blood products, vaccines, and biological products are safe, effective, and available to those who need them
Assuring U.S. patients have access to safe, effective, and high-quality medical devices and radiation-emitting products, like mammograms and other x-ray imaging
Protecting pet health by regulating the drugs, devices, and feed given to or used on companion and food-producing animals in the U.S.
Protecting Americans from tobacco-related disease and death by regulating the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of tobacco products to ensure a healthier life for every family
Regulating cosmetics for safe use and proper labeling
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Inspections and Investigations (OII) is the lead office for all FDA field inspection, investigation, import and emergency response related activities. OII partners with internal and external agency stakeholders to identify, collect, and evaluate evidence that empowers integrated regulatory decision making. OII inspects regulated products and manufacturers, and reviews imported products offered for entry into the United States. In pursuit of its mission, OII also works with its state, local, tribal, territorial and foreign counterparts.