Consumer Updates
Science-based health and safety information you can trust
You may have seen news or online content about chemicals in our foods. Perhaps you’re wondering, is a food safe to eat if it contains chemicals?
Learn MoreInformación para el consumidor sobre temas de salud diversos.
Is It Really "FDA Approved"? Part 2. Here are 10 more facts about how the FDA works to protect public health.
Learn MoreIt's important to safeguard your food, water, medicine and pets before, during and after any severe weather event.
Measles is one of the most contagious respiratory diseases in the world that has the potential to be life-threatening. It is caused by a virus and is still common in many countries.
If you’ve ever had to give your pet a dose of medicine, you know it might turn into a battle. While many animals will gladly take any pill hidden in cheese, peanut butter or other treat, some do not enjoy the process and will refuse to take a pill. Additionally, some species are unable to take pills at all.
Sep 10
Sep 04
Sep 04
Sep 04
Sep 04
Aug 30