Infographics on Nutrition and Food Safety Topics
Need a way to share our education information? The following are infographics on topics ranging from food safety to nutrition. The infographics are an easy-to-understand overview of each topic. Visit the FDA Pinterest page for additional resources.
Nutrition Topics
Visit the Snack Shack to Learn about the Nutrition Facts Label
Food Safety Topics
Steps to Food Safety while Eating Outdoors: Chill
Steps to Food Safety while Eating Outdoors: Clean
Steps to Food Safety while Eating Outdoors: Cook
Steps to Food Safety while Eating Outdoors: Separate
5 Cooking and Eating Tips for Outdoor Gatherings
5 Cooking and Eating Tips for Outdoor Gatherings (Español)
Foodborne Illness in the Food Supply
Four Steps to Keep Your Family Safe from Food Poisoning
Four Steps to Keep Your Family Safe from Food Poisoning (Español)
Four Steps to Keep Your Family Safe from Food Poisoning - Social Media Post
Four Food Safety Tips for Eating Raw Seafood at Restaurants
Four Food Safety Tips for Eating Raw Seafood at Restaurants (Español)
Food Safe Shopping & Storage (Español)