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  1. Focus Areas of Regulatory Science Report

Technology Transfer and Public-Private Partnerships

Abstract computer-generated illustration conveying the concepts of medical technology, remote medicine and electronic medical records.

Technology Transfer is the process of transferring skills, knowledge, technologies, and methods among governments and universities, as well as non-profit and industry organizations, to make sure that a wider range of users has access to scientific and technological innovations created by FDA scientists. These users can, in turn, develop and use the technology to create new products, processes, applications, materials or services. Legally required under the Bayh-Dole Act (Patent and Trademark Law Amendments Act, Public Law 96-517), the FDA Technology Transfer Program (FTTP) provides services to support the effective transfer of FDA research results and FDA-created technologies to the market in support of public health. These services include evaluating employee invention reports to select the most effective mechanism for bringing the technology to the public, managing the patenting of new discoveries from FDA laboratories, and licensing of novel technologies, biological materials and animal models invented by FDA investigators. The FTTP also selects the appropriate technology transfer agreement type for collaborative research projects between FDA and other parties after carefully considering the goals of the investigators and their collaborator(s), project funding, the specifics of the exchange of materials and data, and the management of publications and intellectual property. Types of agreements include the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, Research Collaboration Agreement, or Material Transfer Agreement. FDA also engages in scientific Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and consortia with other government academic, scientific, patient, and industry organizations to encourage the development of new tools to facilitate innovation in medical product development. An example of a PPP with FDA involvement is The National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals.




Minority Health and Health Equity Women’s Health Maternal Health Pediatric Health
Oncology Rare Diseases One Health Initiative  



Research Capabilities, Tools, and Resources

Research Management and Collaborations Technology Transfer and Public-Private Partnerships Physical Standards and Reference Materials Intramural Grant Programs Extramural Funding Mechanisms

Scientific Education, Training, and Communication

Fellowship and Training Opportunities Professional Development and Continuing Education Communication and External Meetings


Facilities and Shared Resources Safety and Compliance



Office of the Chief Scientist

Office of Regulatory Science and Innovation

Contact Us: FARS@fda.hhs.gov


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