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  1. Focus Areas of Regulatory Science Report

Intramural Grant Programs


A collage of four images including a photo of a blonde woman, a scientist using a microscope, an African-American elderly woman with a young girl, and cups filled with samples of seeds and cereals

Intramural Grant Programs

Centers and offices administer intramural research funding programs focused on a variety of topics and use different mechanisms, such as small competitive grant program.

In response to the growing number of cross-cutting science and technological issues arising from regulatory oversight of products in FDA’s regulatory portfolio (i.e., see FARS for most current list of such regulatory science focus areas that have been identified by FDA), FDA developed a competitive grants program called the OCS Intramural Challenge Grants to foster opportunities for cross-center and office cooperation and collaboration and to serve as an incubator for innovative ideas.

FDA’s Chief Scientist establishes highly innovative and high-risk projects that reflect FDA’s overarching regulatory science focus areas including:




Minority Health and Health Equity Women’s Health Maternal Health Pediatric Health
Oncology Rare Diseases One Health Initiative  



Research Capabilities, Tools, and Resources

Research Management and Collaborations Technology Transfer and Public-Private Partnerships Physical Standards and Reference Materials Intramural Grant Programs Extramural Funding Mechanisms

Scientific Education, Training, and Communication

Fellowship and Training Opportunities Professional Development and Continuing Education Communication and External Meetings


Facilities and Shared Resources Safety and Compliance



Office of the Chief Scientist

Office of Regulatory Science and Innovation

Contact Us: FARS@fda.hhs.gov


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