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Business Operation Qualifier

NCI Thesaurus OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.

NCI concept code for business operation qualifier: C101885


SPL Acceptable Term Code
Compounding from bulk ingredient C112092
Compounding sterile products C112094
Contract manufacturing C132491
Contract manufacturing for human over-the-counter drug products produced under a monograph C170729
Distributes human prescription drug products C111077
Distributes human over-the-counter drug products C111078
Intent to compound 506E (drug shortage) drugs C112087
Manufactures animal prescription drug products C114889
Manufactures animal over-the-counter drug products C114891
Manufactures animal over-the-counter Type A medicated article drug products C114892
Manufactures cosmetic products C201560
Manufactures human over-the-counter drug products neither produced under an approved drug application nor under a monograph C131710
Manufactures human over-the-counter drug products produced under a monograph C131708
Manufactures human over-the-counter drug products produced under an approved drug application C131709
Manufactures human prescription drug products C106643
Manufactures Non-Generics C101886
Manufactures veterinary feed directive Type A medicated article drug products C114890
No intent to compound 506E (drug shortage) drugs C112091
Not compounding from bulk ingredient C112093
Not compounding sterile products C112095
Transfills Medical Gas C126091
Warehouses human prescription drug products C123274


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