Seafood Export Lists
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Access the recording of the webinar A Demonstration of the Export Listing Module: Highlighting Best Practices for the Seafood
China, European Union (EU), Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom (UK) have establishment listing requirements as a precondition for market access.
Establishments may request to be included on these lists via the Export Listing Module (ELM). Please visit Online Applications for Export Lists for a link to this electronic system and step-by-step instructions. More information on specific export destinations is included below.
Once listed, U.S. establishments may contact National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Seafood Inspection Program to request export certificates for U.S. seafood exports to the EU and China.
Additional Information on Seafood Exports to China:
- China requires that an establishment obtain and maintain current (non-expired) third-party certification of compliance with Chinese laws and standards before seafood from such establishment is imported into China. For more information, please consult Establishing and Maintaining a List of U.S. Milk and Milk Product, Seafood, Infant Formula, and Formula for Young Children Manufacturers/Processors with Interest in Exporting to China: Guidance for Industry. To demonstrate compliance with China’s requirement, establishments should upload the third-party certification in the “Additional Documents” section of ELM when they submit a request to be added to the China seafood list, and upload an updated certification of compliance with Chinese laws and standards in advance of the expiration of any previous submission for the purpose of ensuring compliance with China’s requirement.
- Memorandum of Understanding between FDA and Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China Regarding Registration of U.S. Food Manufacturers Exporting to China
- Constituent Update: FDA Signs MOU with China to Outline Certification Process for Certain Exports
- Food Export Lists | FDA
Additional Information on Seafood Exports to the EU:
- FDA generally sends updates for all export lists on a quarterly basis. Please be aware that the European Commission (EC) has a number of internal procedures to follow before the updates requested by FDA are published on the official list. There is usually a 10-week lag time between FDA's submission of updates and publication of the EC's official list. Please note that the EU will only accept export certificates signed after an establishment has been added to the list published on the EC website and the list has entered into force. Prior to exporting, industry should consult the EC's EU List of Approved Establishments to verify that the establishment from which they intend to export is listed.
Additional Information on Seafood Exports to Saudi Arabia:
- Saudi Arabia requires that an establishment obtain and maintain a current (non-expired) third-party certification of compliance with Best Aquacultural Practices (BAP) before seafood from such establishment is imported into Saudi Arabia. Establishments should upload the third-party certification in the “Additional Documents” section of ELM when they submit a request to be added to the Saudi Arabia seafood list and upload an updated certification of compliance with BAP in advance of the expiration of any previous submission for the purpose of ensuring compliance with Saudi Arabia’s requirement. NOTE: These third-party certifications of compliance with Best Aquacultural Practices can come from NOAA or another third party certification organization.
- List of establishments eligible to export to Saudi Arabia
Additional Information on Seafood Exports to Taiwan:
- FDA generally sends updates for all export lists on a quarterly basis. Please be aware that Taiwan has a number of internal procedures to follow before the updates requested by FDA are published on the official list. Please note that Taiwan will only accept export certificates signed after an establishment has been added to the list published on Taiwan's website and the list has entered into force. Prior to exporting, industry should consult Taiwan’s list of approved Establishments to verify that the establishment from which they intend to export is listed.
Additional Information on Seafood Exports to the UK:
- Please note that FDA does not have a separate application process for the UK lists. The UK utilizes relevant EU lists (seafood and dairy). Establishments that wish to export to the UK should provide information relating to the relevant EU list in the ELM.
- List of establishments eligible to export animal products to the UK
To view U.S. establishments eligible to export seafood products to the UK, filter by Country Name (United States), Sector (Food), and then Section (Section VIII Fishery products).