Target Animal - Effectiveness - Guidances
- CVM GFI #13 Evaluation of Effectiveness of New Animal Drugs for Use in Free-Choice Feeds-Medicated Block
- CVM GFI #24 Drug Combinations for Use in Animals
- CVM GFI #37 Evaluation of Effectiveness of New Animal Drugs for Use in Poultry Feed for Pigmentation
- CVM GFI #38 Guideline for Effectiveness Evaluation of Topical/Otic Animal Drugs
- CVM GFI #49 Evaluating Target Animal Safety and Effectiveness of Antibacterial New Animal Drugs for Bovine Mastitis
- CVM GFI #56 Protocol Development Guideline for Clinical Effectiveness and Target Animal Safety Trials
- CVM GFI #85 (VICH GL9) Good Clinical Practice
- CVM GFI #89 (VICH GL6) EIAs for Veterinary Medicinal Products - Phase I
- CVM GFI #90 (VICH GL7) Effectiveness of Anthelmintics: General Recommendations
- CVM GFI #95 (VICH GL12) Effectiveness of Anthelmintics: Specific Recommendations for Bovines
- CVM GFI #104 Content and Format of Effectiveness and Target Animal Safety Technical Sections and Final Study Reports For Submission
- CVM GFI #106 The Use of Published Literature in Support of New Animal Drug Approvals
- CVM GFI #109 (VICH GL15) Effectiveness of Anthelmintics: Specific Recommendations for Equines
- CVM GFI #110 (VICH GL16) Effectiveness of Anthelmintics: Specific Recommendations for Porcines
- CVM GFI #111 (VICH GL19) Effectiveness of Anthelmintics: Specific Recommendations for Canines
- CVM GFI #113 (VICH GL20) Effectiveness of Anthelmintics: Specific Recommendations for Felines
- CVM GFI #123 Development of Data Supporting Approval of NSAIDS for Use in Animal
- CVM GFI #197 Documenting Electronic Data Files and Statistical Analysis Programs
- CVM GFI #204 Active Controls in Studies to Demonstrate Effectiveness of a New Animal Drug for use in Companion Animals
- CVM GFI #215 Target Animal Safety & Effectiveness Protocol Development & Submission
- CVM GFI #217 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Anticoccidial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals
- CVM GFI #229 Evaluating the Effectiveness of New Animal Drugs for the Reduction of Pathogenic Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli in Cattle
- CVM GFI #261 Eligibility Criteria for Expanded Conditional Approval of New Animal Drugs
- CVM GFI #264 Standardized Medicated Feed Assay Limits
- CVM GFI #265 Use of Data from Foreign Investigational Studies to Support Effectiveness of New Animal Drugs
- CVM GFI #266 Use of Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence to Support Effectiveness of New Animal Drugs
- CVM GFI #267 Biomarkers and Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Studies to Support Effectiveness of New Animal Drugs
- CVM GFI #268 Adaptive and Other Innovative Designs for Effectiveness Studies of New Animal Drugs
- CVM GFI #276 Effectiveness of Anthelmintics: Specific Recommendations for Products Proposed for the Prevention of Heartworm Disease in Dogs
- CVM GFI #281 Infectious Otitis Externa Drugs for Topical Use in Dogs
- CVM GFI #282 Informed Consent Forms for Studies that Enroll Client-Owned Companion Animals
- CVM GFI #287 - Raw Data for Safety and Effectiveness Studies
- Electronic Systems, Electronic Records, and Electronic Signatures in Clinical Investigations: Questions and Answers