FDA-TRACK: Prescription Drug User Fee Act Historical Performance - Prescription Drug Applications and Supplements
Download PDUFA Historical Performance: Prescription Drug Applications and Supplements Dataset
- * Performance is currently preliminary due to pending submissions.
- ** Beginning in PDUFA VII, Class 1 and 2 Resubmitted Original Applications are consolidated into one performance goal. To review the number filed, on time, and overdue for Class 1 and Class 2 resubmitted applications separately, please refer to the most recent PDUFA Performance Report (See Changes for this Goal, footnote 3, page 6).
- *** The most recent FY workload and performance data includes applications that are identified as undesignated, which means they are still within the 60-day filing date and have not yet had a review designation, standard or priority, made.
- **** Beginning in PDUFA VII, Class 1 and 2 Resubmitted Efficacy Supplements are consolidated into one performance goal. To review the number filed, on time, and overdue for Class 1 and Class 2 resubmitted efficacy supplements separately, please refer to the most recent PDUFA Performance Report (See Changes for this Goal, footnote 4, page 6).