Blood Grouping Reagents (Human/Murine Monoclonal) Anti-C, Anti-e, and Anti-Cw
STN: 125599, 125600, 125601
Proper Name: Blood Grouping Reagent (Human/Murine), Anti-C, Anti-e, Anti-Cw
Tradename: ALBAclone Anti-C (Human/Murine Monoclonal), ALBAclone Anti-e, (Human/Murine Monoclonal), ALBAclone Anti-Cw (Human/Murine Monoclonal)
Manufacturer: Alba Bioscience Limited
- ALBAclone® Anti-C for the in vitro detection and identification of the human C blood group antigen by direct agglutination.
- ALBAclone® Anti-Cw for the in vitro detection and identification of the human Cw blood group antigen by direct agglutination.
- ALBAclone® Anti-e for the in vitro detection and identification of the human e blood group antigen by direct agglutination
Product Information
- Package Insert - Blood Grouping Reagent Anti-C
- Package Insert - Blood Grouping Reagent Anti-Cw
- Package Insert - Blood Grouping Reagent Anti-e STN# 125600