Office of Global Operations Also referred to as: OGO

The Office of Global Operations (OGO) manages the Office of Global Policy and Strategy's foreign offices located in strategic locations around the globe including Asia (China and India); Europe (Belgium); and Latin America (Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico). One member of the Europe Office is embedded in the European Medicines Agency in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Interactions with other locations where FDA does not have a foreign presence are also managed by OGO at FDA Headquarters. The office also includes the Global Support Team and Program and Policy Team. To determine which office interfaces with a given country and how to reach that office, consult Contact Information for Each Country.
OGO’s programmatic priorities include:
- Increasing the FDA's knowledge about the country or region for better decisions and actions
- Conducting foreign inspections
- Expanding foreign governments and industries awareness and understanding of FDA regulations and
- Managing the deployment and support of overseas staff.
Each foreign office includes a director, a deputy director, locally employed staff, translators, and international relations specialists. Consumer safety officers, who conduct inspections of food and medical product facilities, can be found in China, India, and Latin America Offices.
Focus on OGO
- Looking Back at the Founding of the FDA Foreign Offices, (November 17, 2023)
- China Office
- Europe Office
- India Office
- Latin America Office
- FDA Overseas Office Directors
Recalls and Alerts
- FDA Recall Information on Twitter
- MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program
- Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts
- Warning Letters
Resources for You
- Contact Information: OGPS Offices
- Countries and Regions Covered by OGPS Offices
- FDA Globalization
- Imports and Exports
- International Arrangements
- International Programs and Activities
- Partnerships and Collaboration
International Publications, Speeches, and News
Contact Us
- Contact OGPS
Hours Available