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  1. MCM Legal, Regulatory and Policy Framework

MCM-Related Legal and Policy Presentations, Publications and Q&As

Stethoscope with books

FDA continues to ensure that U.S. laws, regulations, and policies enable the application of advances in regulatory science to the regulatory review process for medical countermeasures (MCMs).

We also support preparedness for and response to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN), and emerging infectious disease threats by facilitating the availability of MCMs and working with state and local authorities to support preparedness and response capabilities at the state and community levels.

The resources below provide updates on FDA activities to support the MCM-related legal and policy framework, to better protect national health and security. The following documents and presentations discuss MCM legal preparedness and response issues, including Emergency Use Authorizations.

Meetings and Presentations


Question and Answer Documents

Related Links



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