Medical Countermeasure Collaborations
To support medical countermeasure (MCM)-related public health preparedness and response efforts, the FDA works with non-government organizations (NGOs), universities and research centers, and partners at all levels of government.
In This Section

MCM Federal Scientific and Policy Collaborations
The FDA is part of the HHS Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE), and collaborates with numerous other agencies.

Other MCM Collaborations
The FDA collaborates with non-government organizations to further MCM-related public health emergency preparedness and response.

FDA Centers and Offices
Within the FDA, numerous centers and offices support MCM-related public health emergency preparedness and response.

International Collaborations
The FDA works with a variety of international partners to foster the development and availability of medical countermeasures.

Advanced Manufacturing Public-Private Partnerships
The FDA participates in ongoing partnerships to proactively address challenges presented by advanced and continuous manufacturing technologies.
Additional Collaborations

MCM Extramural Research
To help develop solutions to complex regulatory science challenges, FDA funds medical countermeasure-related regulatory science through research grants.

FDA/DoD Collaborations
Collaborations between FDA and various Department of Defense components help serve the health care needs of American military personnel.

State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Preparedness
The FDA works closely with stakeholders at the state and local levels to support public health preparedness and response efforts related to MCMs.

MCM-Related Cooperative Arrangements
The FDA uses a variety of cooperative arrangements to further development and availability of medical countermeasures.