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  4. Download and Installation Instructions for the HFP Technical Lexicon
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Download and Installation Instructions for the HFP Technical Lexicon

Technical Lexicon Background

Two versions are available: Version 0.9 contains approximately 15,000 terms. Version 1.1 contains approximately 57,000 terms. If you experience difficulty installing version 1.1, try using the smaller version 0.9.

  • lexms.txt Text file of terms to be added to MS Office's CUSTOM.DIC - version 0.9 (159 Kb) | version 1.1 (676 Kb)
  • lexms.zip Compressed custom dictionary for use with MS Word - version 0.9 | version 1.1
  • lexwp.zip Compressed User Word List for use with Corel Word Perfect - version 0.9

Installing the HFP Technical Lexicon for use in Outlook and all MS Office applications. (2000 and later)

version 0.9 (159 Kb) | version 1.1 (676 Kb)

  1. "Right click" on the above link to download and open the lexms.txt file.
  2. To highlight and select the entire file, press Ctrl+A.
  3. Next, copy the file (Ctrl+C).
  4. Open your Outlook Email.
  5. Select the Tools menu. Choose Options.
  6. Choose the Spelling tab. No specific General options selections are necessary. However, it is recommended you select:

    • Always suggest replacements for misspelled words.
    • Always check spelling before sending.
    • Ignore original message text in reply or forward.
  7. Select the Edit button located under the Edit Custom Dictionary section.
  8. Place the cursor at the end of your wordlist.
  9. Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of the lexms.txt file directly into the Custom.dic notepad window.
  10. Save (Ctrl+S) and close the updated custom dictionary.
  11. Return to the Options dialog box. Choose OK.
  12. Test the dictionary by opening a new message and typing the sentence: The zirpi is like arey.
  13. Spell check the document.
    In order to have had a successful installation the corrected sentence should read: The zsirpi  is like aarey.
  14. Open a Word document. Type in and spell check the same test sentence.

If the Spell Check does not have the desired results in Word:

  1. On your menu toolbar, select the Tools menu. Choose Options.
  2. Select Spelling & Grammar tab - make sure the "Suggest from main dictionary only" option is unchecked.
    All other selections are optional. However, it is recommended you select:

    • Check spelling as you type.
    • Always suggest corrections.
    • Ignore words in UPPERCASE.
    • Ignore words with numbers.
    • Check grammar with spelling.
  3. Select the Custom Dictionaries button located in the middle of the dialog box.
  4. Make sure the check box next to CUSTOM.DIC is checked to indicate that the dictionary is activated.
  5. Choose OK to return to the document.
  6. Spell check the test sentence again.

Installing the HFP Technical Lexicon for use in Microsoft Word. (2000 and later)

version 0.9 | version 1.1

  1. "Right click" on the above link to download and save the lexms.zip file.
  2. Unzip the file to a local drive as lexms.dic.
  3. Open Microsoft Word.
  4. On your menu toolbar, select the Tools menu. Choose Options.
  5. Select Spelling & Grammar tab - make sure the "Suggest from main dictionary only" option is unchecked.
    All other selections are optional. However, it is recommended you select:
  6. Choose the Custom Dictionaries button located in the middle of the dialog box.
  7. Choose the Add button so you can add the lexms.dic file.
  8. In the dialog box entitled "Add Custom Dictionary", browse to where you saved the lexms.dic file.
  9. Highlight the file name. Select OK to close the "Add Custom Dictionary" dialog box.
  10. In the Custom Dictionaries dialog box, make sure all the dictionaries are activated by checking the boxes located in front of them.
    Select OK.
  11. Test the dictionary by typing the sentence: The zirpi is like arey.
  12. Spell check the document.
    In order to have had a successful installation the corrected sentence should read: The zsirpi is like aarey.

Installing the HFP Technical Lexicon for use in Corel Word Perfect. (9 and 10)

version 0.9

  1. "Right click" on the above link to download and save the lexwp.exe file to a local drive.
  2. Open the file, browse for a local drive to save the User Word List lexwp.uwl and choose "Unzip".
  3. Open Word Perfect.
  4. On your menu toolbar, select the Tools menu. Choose Spell Checker.
  5. Answer No to the dialogue box "Spell Check completed. Close Spell Checker?"
  6. In the Spell Checker window, select the Options button. Choose "User Word Lists."
  7. Choose Add List to open the Add User Word List dialogue box.
  8. Browse to where you saved the lexwp.uwl file.
  9. Highlight the file name. Choose the Open button to return to the previous window.
  10. In the User Word Lists dialog box, make sure all the dictionaries are activated by checking the boxes located in front of them.
    Choose the Close button.
  11. Test the dictionary by typing the sentence: The zirpi is like arey.
  12. Spell check the document.
    In order to have had a successful installation the corrected sentence should read: The zsirpi is like aarey.


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