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BAM Media M80: Levine's Eosin-Methylene Blue (L-EMB) Agar

Media Index for BAM

January 2001

Peptone 10 g
Lactose 10 g
K2HPO4 2 g
Agar 15 g
Eosin Y 0.4 g
Methylene blue 0.065 g
Distilled water 1 liter

Boil to dissolve peptone, phosphate, and agar in 1 liter of water. Add water to make original volume. Dispense in 100 or 200 ml portions and autoclave 15 min at not over 121°C. Final pH, 7.1 ± 0.2.

Before use, melt, and to each 100 ml portion add:

  1. 5 ml sterile 20% lactose solution;
  2. 2 ml aqueous 2% eosin Y solution; and
  3. 4.3 ml 0.15% aqueous methylene blue solution.

When using complete dehydrated product, boil to dissolve all ingredients in 1 liter water. Dispense in 100 or 200 ml portions and autoclave 15 min at 121°C. Final pH, 7.1 ± 0.2.

Original Source: Bacteriological Analytical Manual, 8th Edition, Revision A, 1998.

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