FDA alerts consumers not to use products distributed by Years to Your Health
[9/14/2018] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers not to use any products made by Years to Your Health of Irving, Texas. FDA is concerned these products could put consumers at risk for serious infection because they are made in a facility with poor manufacturing practices.
Years to Your Health markets hundreds of products online and in its retail store.
FDA recently conducted an inspection at Years to Your Health following a warning letter the agency issued in August 2017. FDA investigators observed several repeat violations of federal law that could lead to consumer harm. For example, the company does not perform any testing of incoming ingredients used to manufacture the drug products or test finished drug products. This could result in high-risk products, such as eyewash, being contaminated and unsafe for use.
FDA recently approached Years to Your Health following this inspection to recommend the company recall its products to protect consumers from potential harm. But the company has not acted to recall its products.
To date, FDA is not aware of any adverse event reports associated with the use of Years to Your Health’s products. FDA encourages health care professionals and consumers to report adverse events to FDA’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program by:
- Completing and submitting the report online at MedWatch Online Voluntary Reporting Form
- Downloading and completing the form, then submitting it via fax at 1-800-FDA-0178.