Self-Registration for ORA LearnED Account
The ORA LearnED Training System is available for State, Local, Tribal and Territorial regulatory partners of the FDA. ORA LearnED is one of ORA’s two Learning Management Systems (LMS) that house course/class information, student transcripts and other data related to OTED training events and online courses.
Obtaining an account in the ORA LearnED Training System will allow you to view your transcript, search the OTED Course Catalog, view the upcoming schedule of OTED classes, and launch available online training.
To self-register for an ORA LearnED Training System account, go to ORA LearnED Training System and click on the 'Request an ORA Training Account' button. You will then be able to select whether you are a State, Local, Tribal, Territorial Regulator, a Non-ORA FDA Center employee, or a Government, non-FDA employee. You can Request a training account by clicking the settings gear icon at the top right and click "Register". Fill out the information, click Submit, and the request will be submitted to the ORA LearnED Administrators. You will receive an email back with an Approval or Denied status for your request.
Once you have obtained your ORA LearnED Account information, you may log into the system using the ORA LearnED Job Aids.
ORA LearnED Additional Information: