Monoclonal Antibody 90.12 Recognizes a Novel B Cell Surface Antigen Upregulated on Both Activated and Apoptotic Lymphocytes
Monoclonal antibody 90.12 recognizes a molecule expressed on the surface of a subset of B lymphocytes and on all types of blood cells. This antigen is increased upon stimulation of B and T lymphocytes as well as on cells undergoing programmed cell death. Amino acid sequencing of the beginning of the protein suggests that it is a member of the S100 family of calcium binding proteins.
Marjorie Shapiro
Intellectual Property:
MA Shapiro, SP Fitzsimmons, and KJ Clark, "Characterization of a B cell surface antigen with homology to the S100 protein MRP8," Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1999 Sep 16 263(1):17-22.
KJ Clark, M Monser, KE Stein, and MA Shapiro, "A novel activation induced lymphocyte surface antigen, 90.12, is also expressed on apoptotic cells," Scand. J. Immunol. 2000 Feb 51(2):155-63.
Licensing Contact:
Bill Ronnenberg, JD-MIP, MS
FDA Technology Transfer Program
10903 New Hampshire Ave.
Building WO1, Rm 4214
Silver Spring, MD 20993
Phone: 240-402-4561
OTT Reference No: E-2004-019
Updated: Feb 1, 2005