Webcast | Virtual
Event Title
FDA Oncology Center of Excellence Conversations on Cancer: Highlights in Oncofertility: Trends in an Emerging Field for Cancer Survivors
October 12, 2022
- Date:
- October 12, 2022
- Time:
- 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
- Organized By:
The FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE) is excited to present a Conversations on Cancer focusing on fertility preservation, titled “Highlights in Oncofertility: Trends in an Emerging Field for Cancer Survivors”. Oncofertility has been a growing and multidisciplinary branch of oncology since the 1970s. The field is largely focused on medical and surgical methods to achieve preservation and restoration of reproductive function and hormonal balance in patients diagnosed with cancer. It also engages the psychosocial aspects of infertility from cancer and treatment through counseling and education. The goal of oncofertility programs is to achieve fertility in as many patients desiring biological offspring as possible and to reduce altered hormonal function in all patients.
For this Conversations on Cancer discussion, the OCE is inviting cancer survivors and experts in the field of oncofertility including physicians and a social worker to discuss fertility in the setting of a cancer diagnosis and dialogue trends and opportunities for fertility preservation.
This public panel discussion is designed to bring greater awareness on cancer’s impact on fertility function, emphasizing the risks, opportunities and the importance of education and compassion for this patient population.
Webcast Information:
A free-of-charge webcast of this public panel discussion will be provided. Registration for the webcast is required at the link above.
FDA plans to post archived webcast of this Conversations on Cancer program at: https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/oncology-center-excellence/conversations-cancer
For any inquiries regarding this program, please send an email to: OCE-Engagement@fda.hhs.gov