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  5. Breast Implants
  6. Breast Implant Resource Groups
  1. Breast Implants

Breast Implant Resource Groups

This document provides the names of companies, U.S. Federal government groups, other government groups, professional societies, and consumer groups involved in breast implant issues. This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of breast implant resource groups. This document will be updated on an annual basis, unless an interim update is deemed necessary.

This document is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by the FDA of the information or recommendation that a group may provide. FDA is not responsible for the content of the individual group Web pages found at any of the links below. FDA attempts to avoid including links to websites that contain information that is not accurate, not appropriate, or not complementary to FDA’s mission, in accordance with our guidelines for external links.

For additional information about a company’s ongoing breast implant clinical study(ies):

Company Name Phone / Fax / Email / Website
Cosmetic Surgery Suppliers, Inc. (CSS)
CSS Implants Division
1316 Rockbridge Rd., Suite J
Stone Mountain, Georgia 30087
Phone: 770-934-0235; 800-525-7752
Fax: 770-939-5755
Website: http://www.cosmeticsurgerysuppliers.com/
Hutchison International, Inc.
7949 Jefferson Highway, Suite E
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Phone: 225-927-6800
Fax: 225-927-6874
Email: Hutchla1@bellsouth.net
Inamed Corporation
5540 Ekwill Street
Santa Barbara, California 93111
Phone: 800-862-4426
Fax: 805-692-5432
Website: https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/53/Inamed-Corporation.html
Mentor Corporation
201 Mentor Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Phone: 800-525-0245; 805-879-6000
Fax: 805-967-3013
Email: dhart@mentorcorp.com
Website: http://www.mentorwwllc.com/global-us/
1221 Chapala Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Phone: 805-957-4355
Fax: 805-957-4365
Silimed, Inc.
11220 Grader Street, Suite 100
Dallas, Texas 75238
Phone: 888-423-7600; 214-348-1571
Fax: 214-348-1855
Email: silimed@silimed.com
Website: http://www.silimed.com/

For more information on breast implant surgery and related topics:

Group Name Phone / Website
U.S. Federal Government Groups
Institute of Medicine Website: http://www.iom.edu/
National Cancer Institute Phone: 800-422-6237
Website: http://www.nci.nih.gov/
National Women's Health Information Center Phone: 800-944-9662
Website: http://www.4woman.gov/
Office of Research on Women's Health Website: http://www4.od.nih.gov/orwh/
Other Government Groups
Australian Department of Health and Aging Website: http://www.health.gov.au/
United Kingdom’s Department of Health Website: http://devices.mhra.gov.uk/
Professional Societies
American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Phone: 312-981-6760
Website: http://www.cosmeticsurgery.org/
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Phone: 888-272-7711
Website: http://www.surgery.org/
American Society of Plastic Surgeons Phone: 888-475-2784
Website: http://www.plasticsurgery.org/

For consumer support groups for women with breast implants:

Consumer Group Name Phone / Email / Website / Contact
Cen-Tex Silicone Implant Support, Inc. Phone: 512-837-5254
Email: jcraig@realtime.net
Contact: Jean Craig
Chemically Associated Neurological Disorders Phone: 281-444-0662
Email: keeling.m@worldnet.att.net
Contact: Marlene Keeling
Children Afflicted by Toxic Substances Phone: 631-757-9885
Email: catstoxic@aol.com
Contact: Jama Russano
Coalition of Silicone Survivors Phone: 970-506-9288
Email: coss@siliconesurvivors.net
Website: http://www.siliconesurvivors.net
Contact: Lynda Roth
Command Trust Network Website: http://www.commandtrust.org/
National Research Center for Women and Families Phone: 202-223-4000
Email: info@center4research.org
Website: http://www.center4research.org
Contact: Diana Zuckerman
National Organization for Women Phone: 202-628-8669
Email: now@now.org
Website: http://www.now.org/
Contact: Jan Erickson
National Women's Health Network Phone: 202-347-1140; 202-628-7814
Email: nwhn@nwhn.org
Website: http://www.nwhn.org/
Contact: Cindy Pearson
Toxic Discovery, Inc. Phone : 573-817-2090
Email: info@toxicdiscovery.com
Website: http://www.toxicdiscovery.com/
Contact: Kathy L. Keithley Johnston, RN
Toxic-2-KIDS P: 660-385-4621
Email: fuchsmorrissey@hotmail.com; ebrent@peoplepc.com
Website: http://www.toxicdiscovery.com/
Contacts: Cindy Fuchs-Morrissey; Ed Brent
United Silicone Survivors of the World,
Houston Chapter
Phone: 281-448-9760; 281-444-4796
Email: schilds800@aol.com
Contact: Sally Childs
Cancer Support Group
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization Phone: 800-221-2141; 312-986-8338
Website: http://www.y-me.org/
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