Virtual | Virtual
Event Title
Facilitating Generic Drug Product Development through Product-Specific Guidances
April 25, 2024
- Date:
- April 25, 2024
- Time:
- 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
Topics & Presentations |
Speakers |
Facilitating Generic Drug Product Development through Product-Specific Guidances |
PSG Program: Updates and Overview of Available Resources |
Joseph Kotsybar, Pharm.D. |
Beyond General Guidance: Tailored PSG Recommendations for Immediate Release Oral Drug Products |
Qi Zhang, Ph.D. |
Development of Generic Drug Products Under Suitability Petition |
Heather Boyce, Ph.D. |
Device and User Interface Assessment Recommendations in Drug-Device Combination Product PSGs |
Karthika Natarajan, Ph.D. |
Consideration Factors for Study Population Selection in Bioequivalence Studies with Pharmacokinetic Endpoints |
Jihong Shon, M.D., Ph.D. |
FDA Dissolution Methods and Navigating the Dissolution Database |
Leah W. Falade, Ph.D. |
Panel Discussion |
Joseph Kotsybar, Leah W. Falade, and Dave Coppersmith, J.D. Utpal Munshi, Ph.D. Markham Luke, M.D., Ph.D. Myong-Jin Kim, Pharm. D. Liang Zhao, Ph.D. Lei Zhang, Ph.D. |
Speaker Q&A Discussion Panel |
Joseph Kotsybar, Qi Zhang, Heather Boyce, Karthika Natarajan, Jihong Shon, and Leah W. Falade |
Closing Remarks |
Robert Lionberger, Ph.D. |
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FDA’s Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) publishes product-specific guidances (PSGs), which describe the agency’s current thinking and expectations on how to develop generic drug products that are therapeutically equivalent to reference listed drugs.
The purpose of this webinar is to provide current and prospective generic drug applicants insight on how PSGs are developed, revised, and published, and how PSGs may be used to improve the efficiency of generic drug development. FDA publishes PSGs to give applicants seeking to develop generic drugs a better opportunity to efficiently allocate resources and clarity of FDA's expectations on the evidence needed to support an abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) approval, and ultimately promote generic drug product availability.
The event will include a panel discussion on topics pertinent to PSGs and a live Q&A session with FDA .
- Members of the generic drug industry, including current and prospective applicants who are interested in submitting an ANDA
- Regulatory reviewers for generic drug assessments
- Consultants focused on bioequivalence
- Clinical research coordinators
- General Principles of PSGs
- PSG Lifecycle Overview
- Utility of PSGs
- Updates on PSG Program
- FDA Product-Specific Guidances
- Upcoming Product-Specific Guidances for Generic Drug Product Development
- Product-Specific Guidance Snapshot
- Bioequivalence Recommendations for Specific Products Final Guidance (June 2010)
- Product-Specific Guidance Meetings Between FDA and ANDA Applicants Under GDUFA Draft Guidance (February 2023)