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  1. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

Laws, Regulations, Guidances, and Compliance Letters

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Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act

Code of Federal Regulations

The following links go to the Government Printing Office web site.

  • 21 CFR 200 - General (Secs. 5, 7, & 200)
  • 21 CFR 201 - Labeling Secs. 10, 100, & 200)
  • 21 CFR 202 - Prescription Drug Advertising
  • 21 CFR 312 - Investigational New Drug Application (Sec. 7)
  • 21 CFR 314 - Applications to Market New Drug or Antibiotic (Secs. 81, 550, & 560)



Compliance Letters

1997-2016 Compliance Letters are archived. To view them, please see the FDA Archive.


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