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FDA Science Behind Doxycycline Home Preparation Instructions

The following home preparation instructions for doxycycline, prepared by the CDC, are not to be used except in the case of a declared public health emergency. The scientific research below provided data to support the development of home preparation instructions for doxycycline:

  • Stability, dose uniformity and palatability of doxycycline were studied. (Sadrieh N, Brower J, Yu L et al. (2005) Stability, dose uniformity, and palatability of three counterterrorism drugs – human subject and electronic tongue studies. Pharmaceutical Research 22:1747-1756.).  The following links contain information on the palatability, stability, and dose uniformity of doxycycline.
  • Crushing the pills is difficult.  Dissolution studies demonstrated that the pills could be softened for 5 minutes in water prior to crushing, thereby making the crushing easier (unpublished information).

These emergency home preparation instructions for doxycycline have been prepared by CDC for use only during a public health emergency, and should only be distributed and used if instructed to do so by a public health official during such an emergency. 

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