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  3. Blood & Blood Products
  4. Regulation of the Blood Supply
  1. Blood & Blood Products

FDA/CBER is responsible for regulatory oversight of the U.S. blood supply. FDA promulgates and enforces standards for blood collection and for the manufacturing of blood products, including both transfusible components of whole blood, pharmaceuticals derived from blood cells or plasma, and related medical devices. FDA also inspects blood establishments and monitors reports of errors, accidents and adverse clinical events. CBER works closely with other parts of the Public Health Service (PHS) to establish blood standards, and to identify and respond to potential threats to blood safety or supply.

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Division of Communication and Consumer Affairs
Office of Communication, Outreach and Development
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Ave WO71-3103
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002


(800) 835-4709
(240) 402-8010

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