How CTP Includes Public Input on Its Education Campaigns
On this page:
- Public Health Education Development Process
- Subject Matter Experts
- Ways to Provide Input on Public Education Efforts
- Connect with Us
Public Health Education Development Process
As part of a science-based process, FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) employs various methods to obtain information to inform the development of effective tobacco public education resources and activities.
An essential step in the development process is to solicit input directly from key stakeholders and intended audiences of our public education efforts at multiple points in the process. Our rigorous research process includes:
- Conducting foundational research to understand tobacco product use and media platform use among intended audiences to inform the design of public health education messages and dissemination strategies.
- Conducting focus group research and in-depth interviews to gain audience insights and to identify messaging themes that resonate among intended audiences.
- Consulting experts and key stakeholders to promote cultural responsiveness and best practices in health communication science.
- Conducting formative research to understand audience responses to our content and to assess if the messaging is understandable and effective and there are no unintended consequences.
- Conducting frequent and routine evaluation of our public education strategies and messaging to understand how they influence tobacco-related knowledge, perceptions, intentions, and behaviors among our intended audiences.
Since our first set of focus groups in 2013, CTP researchers have spoken with thousands of youth and adults through qualitative focus groups and in-depth interviews to inform our public education efforts. For more information about campaign research with intended audiences, visit:
In addition to formative research, FDA reviews social media posts related to tobacco and our public education efforts. This helps FDA identify trends and consider feedback to refine our education messages.
Subject Matter Experts
Another important component of the public education development process is considering the input of experts. FDA routinely consults subject matter experts to obtain feedback in areas such as:
- Tobacco science
- Consumer research
- Public health
- Health communication science
- Health equity
- Marketing
For example, the development of the “Next Legends” campaign, designed for American Indian and Alaska Native youth, included multiple rounds of information sharing and feedback with representatives from all 574 federally recognized tribes. Additionally, “The Real Cost” cigarette prevention effort leveraged a partnership with CADCA to conduct interviews with subject matter experts who provided insights about teens who are at increased risk for using cigarettes. Further, FDA is currently engaging with a wide variety of experts to learn more and disseminate information about cigarillo use. Finally, FDA is conducting research with adults to understand their risk perceptions of different tobacco products.
In developing and refining messages, intended audiences, and other aspects of each public education effort, CTP holds regular coordination meetings with other federal entities and representatives from state tobacco control programs.
Ways to Provide Input on Public Education Efforts
FDA has numerous channels to receive feedback on CTP public education efforts. Here are some ways you can provide input:
Conferences: CTP engages with the public at conferences, which provides a forum for CTP staff to share more in-depth information, have a discussion, and answer questions. In 2022, CTP staff prepared 30 presentations for conferences, including the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, American Public Health Association, Food and Drug Law Institute, and the E-Cigarette Summit.
Exhibit Booth: CTP engages with the public through its conference exhibit booth, with the opportunity to interact with over 850,000+ collective conference attendees annually.
Email: Each campaign has an email inbox by which the public can submit campaign-specific questions and comments. Since the launch of both “The Real Cost” and “Next Legends,” the campaigns have regularly received and responded to emails from the general public.
Stakeholder meetings: CTP’s Ombudsman’s Office, Strategic Outreach team, and Stakeholder Relations team coordinate meetings to address public education efforts when requested by stakeholders. As a recent example, CTP staff presented and engaged with participants in a discussion about our campaign program at the 2023 E-Cigarette Summit in May.
Federal Register notices: FDA is required to publish notice in the Federal Register for each research study intended to support our public health education efforts if it qualifies as an information collection as part of the Paperwork Reduction Act. The notice gives the public the opportunity to comment and provide input on these data collections.
Connect with Us
There are many ways to connect with CTP staff who help develop public education efforts, including at conferences, through email or social media, or by requesting a meeting.
January – December 2024:
- Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America National Leadership Forum
- Tobacco Product Expo 2024
- National Association of Student Affairs Professionals Annual Conference
- Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting
- Society of Health and Physical Educators National Convention & Expo
- National Council for Mental Wellbeing
- National Rural Health Association Annual Rural Health Conference and Health Equity Conference
- Boys and Girls Clubs of America National Conference
- American Thoracic Society International Conference
- American Academy of Physician Assistants National Conference
- National Tribal Health Conference
- Capital Pride Festival
- The United States Conference of Mayors
- Alternative Product Expo
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners Annual Meeting
- League of United Latin American Citizens Conference
- National Association of School Nurses Annual Conference
- Essence Festival of Culture
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Annual Convention
- National Association for County and City Health Officials Annual Conference
- National Organization of Black Law Enforcement
- National Association of Chain Drug Stores Total Store Expo
- National Indian Health Board National Tribal Nations Annual Health Conference and Annual Consumer Conference
- National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week Conference
- American Academy of Family Physicians Family Medicine Experience
- American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition
- American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition
- American Heart Association Scientific Sessions
- “The Real Cost” Campaign:
- “Next Legends” Campaign:
- General Consumer Inquiries:
- Stakeholder Inquiries:
- CTP Ombudsman: