Advancing Alternative Methods at FDA
FDA is working to advance alternative methods for regulatory use. Alternative Methods have the potential to provide more timely and more predictive information to assess certain aspects of FDA-regulated products while also replacing, reducing and/or refining animal testing (the 3Rs).
In this section

About Alternative Methods
What are alternative methods, and why is FDA advancing them for regulatory use? Learn more, including examples of alternative methods and definitions of key terms.

Implementing Alternative Methods
Agency-wide efforts for advancing development, qualification, and implementation of alternative methods for product testing.

Publications and Events
See what’s new from FDA on alternative methods, including publications, presentations, guidance documents, events, and related materials.

Alternative Methods Partnerships
FDA works with a wide variety of domestic and global partners across government, industry, and academia to advance alternative methods.

Featured Report (2021)
Read about FDA's cross-cutting work to spur the development of new regulatory approaches that can help improve predictivity. (PDF, 1.9 MB)

Developers: Tell us about your work
FDA gives developers the opportunity to present their new methods and methodologies exclusively to FDA scientists.