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The Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports Implementation Guide — Data Elements and Message Specification February 2014

Issued by:
Guidance Issuing Office
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

This document is a guide for implementing the standard adopted by the ICH1 for electronic transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) according to the ICH E2B(R3) message standard. This Implementation Guide (IG) was jointly developed by the ICH E2B(R3) and M2 Expert Working Groups (EWGs). The E2B(R3) EWG provided business requirements and the M2 EWG provided technical content for this IG. These two EWGs were reconstituted as the ICH E2B(R3) EWG in November 2010.

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Submit comments on this guidance document electronically via docket ID: FDA-2013-S-0610 - Specific Electronic Submissions Intended For FDA's Dockets Management Staff (i.e., Citizen Petitions, Draft Proposed Guidance Documents, Variances, and other administrative record submissions)

If unable to submit comments online, please mail written comments to:

Dockets Management
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Rm 1061
Rockville, MD 20852

All comments should be identified with the title of the guidance.

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