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  5. Public Calendar: April 3-9, 2022
  1. Public Calendar - Meetings With FDA Officials

Public Calendar: April 3-9, 2022

This public calendar is issued by the Food and Drug Administration. It lists significant meetings held by designated FDA policy makers with persons outside the executive branch of the federal government.

Official Name: Robert M. Califf, M.D., MACC, Commissioner of Food and Drugs

Event Date: 04/04/2022
Location: Arlington, VA
Subject: 2022 Health Datapalooza and National Health Policy Conference; Speaker: Opening Keynote Address
Non FDA Participant/Group: Government, industry, media, and other registered guests

Event Date: 04/05/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: National Institute for Health Care Management Board and Advisory Board Meeting
FDA Participant/Group: DAYLE CRISTINZIO;
Non FDA Participant/Group: National Institute of Health Care Management Board of Directors and Advisory Board members and staff

Event Date: 04/06/2022
Location: Washington, DC
Subject: Dayton Region Community Leader Washington Fly-In; Speaker: Keynote Address
Non FDA Participant/Group: Government, industry, media, and other invited guests

Event Date: 04/08/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Drug Information Association (DIA) / FDA Biostatistics Industry and Regulatory Forum; Speaker: Challenges and Opportunities for the Quantitative Sciences in Medical Product Development and Evaluation
Non FDA Participant/Group: Government, industry, media, and other invited guests

Official Name: Janet Woodcock, M.D., Principal Deputy Commissioner

Event Date: 04/06/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: ACTIV-2/-3/-6 Trial Oversight Committee Meeting
Non FDA Participant/Group: Parties involved in Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV)

Official Name: Andi Lipstein Fristedt, Deputy Commissioner for Policy, Legislation, and International Affairs

No Significant Event

Official Name: Jim Sigg, Deputy Commissioner for Operations

No Significant Event

Official Name: Frank Yiannas, Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response

Event Date: 04/04/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Food Safety Issues of Mutual Interest
FDA Participant/Group: Several FDA staff
Non FDA Participant/Group: Several staff and members of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture

Event Date: 04/04/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Food Safety and Budget Issues of Mutual Interest
FDA Participant/Group: Several FDA staff
Non FDA Participant/Group: Several staff from the United States Senate Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies

Event Date: 04/06/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Food Safety and Budget Issues of Mutual Interest
FDA Participant/Group: Several FDA staff
Non FDA Participant/Group: Several staff from the United States House Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies

Event Date: 04/08/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Food Safety Issues of Mutual Interest
FDA Participant/Group: Several FDA staff
Non FDA Participant/Group: Several members of the Food and Beverage Issues Alliance

Official Name: Mark Abdoo, Associate Commissioner for Global Policy and Strategy

No Significant Event

Official Name: Judy McMeekin, Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs

Event Date: 04/06/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Alliance for a Stronger FDA Webinar; Speaker: ORA Priorities
Non FDA Participant/Group: Industry, government, and other stakeholders

Official Name: Erica Jefferson, Associate Commissioner for External Affairs

No Significant Event

Official Name: Jacqueline O'Shaughnessy, Acting Chief Scientist

No Significant Event

Official Name: Patrizia Cavazzoni, M.D., Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

Event Date: 04/04/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Alliance for a Stronger FDA Webinar; CDER Priorities for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 and Progress During FY 2022
FDA Participant/Group: Several FDA staff
Non FDA Participant/Group: Industry, government, and other stakeholders

Event Date: 04/04/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Margolis - FDA Workshop: Identifying Key Competencies for Opioid Prescriber Education; Speaker: Opening Remarks
FDA Participant/Group: Several FDA staff
Non FDA Participant/Group: Government, industry, academia, and other stakeholders

Official Name: Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research

No Significant Event

Official Name: Jeffrey Shuren, M.D., J.D., Director, Center for Devices and Radiological Health

No Significant Event

Official Name: Susan T. Mayne, Ph.D., Director, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

Event Date: 04/06/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Nutrition, Closer to Zero, and Chemical Safety Initiatives
FDA Participant/Group: KARI BARRETT;
Non FDA Participant/Group: Lee Sanders, Robb MacKie (Food and Beverage Issues Alliance (FBIA));

Event Date: 04/07/2022
Location: Virtual
Subject: Nutrition, Closer to Zero, and Chemical Safety Initiatives
FDA Participant/Group: JENNIFER DOOREN;
Non FDA Participant/Group: Cathy Burns (International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA));

Official Name: Michele Mital, Acting Director, Center for Tobacco Products

No Significant Event

Official Name: Steven Solomon, Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine

No Significant Event

Official Name: Tucker Patterson, Ph.D., Acting Director, National Center for Toxicological Research

Event Date: 04/04/2022
Location: Little Rock, AR
Subject: National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Workshop; Artificial Intelligence with No-Boundary Thinking Fostering Collaborations; Speaker
FDA Participant/Group: Several FDA staff
Non FDA Participant/Group: Academia and government

Official Name: Mark Raza, J.D., Chief Counsel

No Significant Event


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