Escobar Loaiza
Leadership Role
Division of Residue Chemistry
Hernando is a chemist and a principal investigator with the Division of Residue Chemistry in the Office of Applied Science at FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM). He is serving as Chemist Laboratory Coordinator supporting the Division Director with laboratory and administrative responsibilities. He earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1991, and a Master of Science of Toxicology and Pharmacology from Michigan State University in 2019. As a Research Scientist he has a broad knowledge in analytical chemistry/method development, with more than 20 years of mass spectrometry experience working in food industry, clinical research, and federal government.
Work with purification, discovery, confirmation, and quantitation of endogenous peptides from human/mice models using HRMS technology; hormones determination in clinical samples using LC-MS/MS platform, and residual veterinary drugs in foods/plasma, using diverse mass spectrometry platforms and analytical approaches. Several publications in diverse scientific manuscripts currently account for more than 400 literature scientific citations.
Select Publications
Girard L, Herath K, Escobar H, Reimschuessel R, Ceric O, and Jayasuriya H. Development of UHPLC/Q-TOF Analysis Method to Screen Glycerin for Direct Detection of Process Contaminants 3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol Esters (3-MCPDEs) and Glycidyl Esters (GEs). Molecules. 26(9):2449. 2021
Zhou Z, Reyes-Vargas E, Escobar H, Chang KY, Barker AP, Rockwood AL, Delgado JC, He X and Jensen PE. Peptidomic analysis of type 1 diabetes associated HLA-DQ molecules and the impact of HLA-DM on peptide repertoire editing. Eur. J. Immunol. 00: 1–13. 2016.
Escobar H, Kushnir MM, Rockwood AL, Meikle AW. High Sensitivity Measurement of Pancreatic Polypeptide and Its Variant in Serum and Plasma by LC-MS/MS. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.);1378:199-210. 2016
Kincaid EZ, Che JW, York I, Escobar H, et al. Mice completely lacking immunoproteasomes display major alterations in antigen presentation. Nature Immunology. 13, 129-135. 2012.
Escobar H, Reyes-Vargas E, Jensen PE, et al. Utility of characteristic QTOF MS/MS fragmentation for MHC class I peptides. Journal of Proteome Research. May 2011.
Escobar H, Crockett DK, Reyes-Vargas E, Baena A, Rockwood AL, Jensen PE, Delgado JC. Large scale mass spectrometric profiling of peptides eluted from HLA molecules reveals N-terminal-extended peptide motifs. J Immunol, 181(7):4874-82. 2008