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Evaluation of FDA Pre-market Animal Food Programs and Plan for Consultations

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The FDA recently announced that it is evaluating its current pre-market animal food review programs, specifically the animal Food Additive Petition and Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) Notification programs, to determine if changes are needed to better serve public health and improve the path to market for new animal food ingredients.  


While the FDA conducts its evaluation, the agency proposes to make the new Animal Food Ingredient Consultation (AFIC) process available to firms developing animal food ingredients. 

The AFIC process, as introduced in Draft GFI #294, is intended be an interim process that begins after the expiration of the FDA’s MOU with AAFCO on October 1, 2024. AFIC would provide an additional way for firms to consult with the FDA regarding animal food ingredients and for the FDA to review the safety of such ingredients. AFIC could be used for ingredients such as those that make up a significant proportion of an animal’s diet, including plant materials, grains, or human food by-products.   

Information on AFIC is available in Draft GFI #294: Animal Food Ingredient Consultation (AFIC).

Stakeholder Input

To solicit public input, the FDA has issued a Request for Comments (RFC) asking stakeholders to address specific questions and requests for information about the FDA’s animal Food Additive Petition and GRAS Notification programs to help the FDA determine what changes, if any, may be needed to better serve public health and improve the path to market for new animal food ingredients. Instructions on how to comment are provided below.

In addition to establishing the RFC docket to accept electronic/written comments, the FDA also intends to hold multiple virtual stakeholder listening sessions focused on the FDA’s pre-market animal food review programs and the questions laid out in the RFC. Interested attendees will be grouped based on the sectors they represent. Those interested in participating in a listening session should email AnimalFoodIngredientRFC@fda.hhs.gov by no later than September 1, 2024, with their first and last name, email address, phone number, and organization/affiliation.

Comments on Request for Comments

Starting August 9, 2024, the FDA is accepting public comments on “Request for Comments: FDA Pre-Market Animal Food Ingredient Review Programs,” in docket FDA-2024-N-2979 until December 9, 2024. For instructions on commenting, please refer to the Federal Register Notice of Availability.

The FDA is also seeking comments on Draft GFI #293 and Draft GFI #294. Instructions on how to comment on each are provided below. 

Comments on Draft GFI #293

Starting August 9, 2024, the FDA is accepting public comments on Draft GFI #293, “FDA Enforcement Policy for AAFCO-Defined Animal Feed Ingredients,” in docket FDA-2024-D-2977 until September 9, 2024. Due to the time-sensitive nature of the documents, the FDA does not intend to extend the 30-day comment period before it begins work on the final version of the guidance. For instructions on commenting, please refer to the Federal Register Notice of Availability.

Comments on Draft GFI #294

Starting August 9, 2024, the FDA is accepting public comments on Draft GFI #294, “Animal Food Ingredient Consultation (AFIC),” in docket FDA-2024-D-2978 until September 9, 2024. Due to the time-sensitive nature of the guidance, the FDA does not intend to extend the 30-day comment period before it begins work on the final version of the guidance. For instructions on commenting, refer to the Federal Register Notice of Availability.

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