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  1. Visitor Information

Public Meeting Information


The FDA will make every effort to accommodate persons with physical disabilities or special needs at public meetings. If you require accommodations due to a disability, contact the meeting organizer at least 7 days before a public meeting. The FDA White Oak campus and FDA shuttle are generally accessible to people with physical disabilities.

Food and Drink

Public meeting attendees may bring their own food and drink. However, the FDA cannot guarantee the use of a refrigerator or microwave.

Light refreshments and sandwiches are often available for purchase at public meetings. Also, restaurants near the FDA White Oak campus are available. Before leaving, meeting attendees should consider the amount of time needed to return to campus and go through security screening.


Please remember to sign the press registration sheet before entering a meeting room. The FDA asks that you do not use flash photography, TV camera lights, or approach meeting participants while a meeting is in progress. Contact an FDA Press Officer to arrange for an interview with any FDA speakers at an event.

Public meeting attendees are required to leave the FDA White Oak campus when the meeting ends. Reporters should not plan on filing their stories from the FDA after the meeting. You must contact one of the agency’s Press Officers if you are a reporter who needs to stay on campus for any reason after a meeting ends.

Lactation Room

A lactation room with chairs, a sink, electrical outlets and a mini-fridge is available upon request. Please speak with the meeting point-of-contact for access.


Public meeting attendees do not need an escort or a temporary badge. After passing through security screening, public meeting attendees will be directed to the meeting room(s).

Weather Emergency

In case of bad weather, the FDA White Oak campus will operate according to the federal government Washington D.C. area operating status announced by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). 


Public meetings held at FDA White Oak are often webcast live and recorded. For FDA advisory committee meetings check the advisory committee website for webcast information.

Wi-Fi and Charging

Public Wi-Fi for meeting attendees is often available on the FDA White Oak campus. The FDA is not responsible for providing access to electrical outlets for charging or running electronic devices.


Email FDAGreatRoom@fda.hhs.gov

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