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  5. Karen Kreuzer, Southwest Region (SWR), Acting Regional Food and Drug Director (RFDD)
  1. Office of Inspections and Investigations

Karen Kreuzer, Southwest Region (SWR), Acting Regional Food and Drug Director (RFDD)

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 Karen Kreuzer

Karen Kreuzer is acting regional food and drug director, Southwest Region.  She manages four district offices and three regional laboratories—a region that spans eleven states and the entire U.S./Mexico border. She works in cooperation with senior management to develop, recommend, and implement the operational policies and procedures.  Ms. Kreuzer’s official position title is the special advisor to the Southwest regional food and drug director.  During her 29 years with the agency, she has held the positions of laboratory director, supervisory analyst, deputy laboratory director, and special assistant to the district director. Ms. Kreuzer has a Bachelor of Science degree in microbiology from Colorado State University, is an active member of several work-related associations, and has numerous peer-reviewed publications.

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