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Development of strategies to improve cell therapy product characterization

Steven R. Bauer, Ph.D. Headshot

Steven R. Bauer, Ph.D.

Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies
Division of Cellular and Gene Therapies
Cellular and Tissue Therapy Branch


Bauer-Biosketch-Early Morphology Predicts Biological Response


Steven R. Bauer, Ph.D., is the Chief of the Cellular and Tissue Therapy Branch (CTTB), Division of Cellular and Gene Therapies (DCGT) in the Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies (OTAT) at the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As the chief of CTTB, Dr. Bauer supervises CBER scientific staff engaged in review of cell-based biological therapies, policy development in emerging areas of cellular therapies, and research relevant to their use in clinical trials. He is currently studying mesenchymal stem cell biology and stromal cell-hematopoietic cell interactions that influence development of lymphocytes. Dr. Bauer received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Maryland in 1986. From 1986 through 1991, Dr. Bauer was a scientific member of the Basel Institute for Immunology in Basel, Switzerland. In 1991, Dr. Bauer joined CBER’s Division of Cellular and Gene Therapies.

General Overview

Cell-based therapies show great promise for repairing, replacing, restoring, or regenerating damaged cells, tissues and organs. Researchers are working to develop cell-based treatments that are both effective and safe.

Many cell-based therapies use stem cells (SC) that are removed from the body and put into cultures in the laboratory, where they multiply before being infused into the patient. SCs are immature cells that replicate themselves and have the ability to give rise to a variety of different types of cells.

For cell therapies based on embryonic stem cells, stem cells are first stimulated to mature before they are given to a patient. However, embryonic stem cells can cause tumors, so products based on them should not have undifferentiated embryonic stem cells contaminating the product given to patients. Also, more mature cells may be better suited for replacing specific types of damaged or lost cells, or for repairing damaged tissue.

A major challenge posed by SC therapy is the need to ensure their efficacy and safety. Cells manufactured in large quantities outside their natural environment in the human body can become ineffective or dangerous and produce significant adverse effects, such as tumors, severe immune reactions, or growth of unwanted tissue. In response to this challenge, FDA scientists are developing laboratory techniques that will enable the agency to carefully evaluate and characterize these products in order to reliably predict whether they will be safe and effective.

Our laboratories use cell cultures and animal models to develop such techniques and to study the biochemical signals that govern cell behavior during manufacturing and after administration to patients. We are currently using mesenchymal stromal cells, or MSCs, (widely called mesenchymal stem cells) to improve strategies for predicting characteristics of stem-cell based cell products.

These studies will help us develop tests that are practical and applicable to specific manufacturing steps.

Scientific Overview

Our objective is to identify the molecules that exert critical influence on the growth and differentiation of SCs. Such molecules can be used in tests that evaluate and characterize cells during the manufacturing process and as lot-release measurements for cell-therapy products. Lot release tests are done to ensure the safety and quality of products before they are shipped from manufacturing facilities.

Our strategy includes developing tests that reliably quantify the amount of various biological activities that are present in different MSC populations. Using such assays, we found that several biological activities decrease the longer MSCs are cultured, and that MSCs derived from different donors vary in the amount of these activities. The activities that follow this pattern include the ability to generate fat (adipocytes), to mineralize (an indicator of bone formation), and to mediate immunosuppression.

The next step is to identify informative molecular markers--molecules whose presence reflects specific states of activity, disease, response to drugs, potency, and other characteristics of cells and tissues. Once we can quantify specific activities in MSC preparations, we can look for molecular signatures that correlate with the quantities we measure in our biological assays. In order to discover such markers on MSCs, we use a variety of technologies. Our major tools are microarrays (devices that enable the study of the state of activity of tens of thousands of genes at a time), RT-PCR (a technique for rapidly making thousands of copies of pieces of DNA), and flow cytometry (a technique for automatically identifying, counting and examining very large numbers of cells).

Another strategy is to study specific molecules that have been shown to influence development or biological activities of MSCs. We are now studying the role of a protein called DLK in a strain of mouse that is genetically deficient in this protein. In these mice we found that DLK influences the generation of MSCs and their ability to turn into bone and fat. Our studies have also shown that DLK influences development of B-lymphocytes, the immune system cells that produce antibodies.

While using MSCs from this mouse strain to study how DLK helps to control the development of bone and fat tissues, we discovered previously unknown roles that DLK plays in these processes. We've gained important new insights into interactions between MSC cells and the cells that give rise to B lymphocytes.

These studies will likely help us to develop improved methods for testing MSC products to ensure they will be safe and effective when used as therapies. This new knowledge will also help us to discover more informative markers for testing MSC-based products.

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  10. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017 Mar 28;114(13):E2598-607
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