Continuing Education Live Events
Topics in Public Health
This series will educate PHS health professionals about topics that are pertinent to their roles within the various agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services and other Public Health Service agencies by presenting topics that directly relate to the HHS Strategic Plan, the Secretary's Strategic Initiatives, current topics for DHHS OPDIVs who utilize PHS health professionals, and/or other topics directly related to the advancement of public health.
FDA Grand Rounds
The FDA Grand Rounds is webcast every other month to highlight cutting-edge research underway across the agency and its impact on protecting and advancing public health. Each session features an FDA scientist presenting on a key public health challenge and how FDA is applying science to its regulatory activities.
FDA Drug Topics
This series of educational webinars is designed for physicians, physician assistants, nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, students, other health care professionals, and students. The webinars cover a broad range of FDA drug regulation and medication safety topics.