The Science of a Nicotine Standard for Combusted Tobacco Products
Title of the Review:
The Science of a Nicotine Standard for Combusted Tobacco Products
Tentative Assessment:
Highly Influential Scientific Assessment
Agency Contact:
Lynn Hull, PhD
Office or Center:
Center for Tobacco Products
Subject of the Review:
This scientific assessment examines the effects of reducing the level of nicotine in combusted tobacco products on use behavior, dependence, and toxicant exposure and the knowledge, beliefs, and perceptions around nicotine and very low nicotine content cigarettes.
Purpose of the Review:
To conduct an expert external peer review
Type of Review:
Individual letter reviews
Timing of Review:
April 2020
Number of Reviewers:
Primary Disciplines/Types of Expertise of Reviewers:
Expertise in behavioral science; social science; and chemistry, agriculture, or genetics
Reviewers Selected by:
Designated Outside Organization
Opportunities for the Public to Comment:
If yes, briefly state how and when will these opportunities be provided:
An opportunity for public comment will be provided as part of the rulemaking process.
Peer Reviewers Provided with Public Comments: