FDA Celebrates National STEM Day
The work we do every day at FDA relies on STEM. Without science, technology, engineering, and math, we could not protect your health and the health of your animals. Our scientists and staff do important and groundbreaking work in all areas of STEM. Their expert knowledge ensures that you can drink a safe glass of milk with your morning breakfast, your 4th of July potato salad is safe, your grandma’s medicine keeps her blood pressure in a safe range, your tetanus vaccine protects you if you step on a nail, and that you understand the dangers that lurk within a cigarette.
In celebration of National STEM Day, we’ve created a few videos to showcase the innovative and fascinating STEM work our scientists do each day. Watch our videos to learn more about FDA and STEM. For more information about FDA and STEM career opportunities, see our Resources for You section, below.
Why have a career in STEM? Science is all around us!
November 8th is National STEM Day! FDA Chief Scientist Namandjé Bumpus shares how a curiosity for the world around her led her to a career in STEM. To learn more about careers in STEM, we encourage you to visit our website and share our STEM videos in your classrooms and with your children.
Food Safety Superheroes
Find out about how the Superheroes at FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) use STEM to keep your food safe. Maybe they will inspire you to become a CFSAN Superhero!
Veterinary Medicine and STEM
National STEM Day is a perfect opportunity to shine a spotlight on the amazing work our FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) scientists do every day to protect the health of people and animals. Although they are one of the smallest Centers in FDA, the important work they do touches every aspect of your life.
Learn more about the amazing work our FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) scientists do to protect the health of people and animals. Although we are one of the smallest Centers in FDA, the important work we do touches every aspect of your life.
From Mammograms to Microwaves
FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Regulating and Approving Drugs
Experts like scientists, doctors, pharmacists, engineers and mathematicians at the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) work rigorously to ensure that drugs are safe and effective.
A Day in the Life of FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs--Consumer Safety Officer Miyo Saito
Interested in a career in public health? FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) import Consumer Safety Officer, Miya Saito, describes what she does at FDA and how her role helps protect people and animals in the U.S.
Office of Women's Health
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) skills drive innovation and change in the world around us. In honor of National STEM Day, members of FDA’s Office of Women’s Health are sharing what it’s like to pursue a career in STEM and why we need more young women in this industry.
Center for Tobacco Products
If you’re a STEM student, you have a bright future ahead of you – there are tons of different ways your unique skills and thinking can create a great future for yourselves and others. Maybe someday you’ll be one of the STEM heroes at FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), helping improve the health of our country.
STEM: Connected to All We Do at FDA Office of Minority Health and Health Equity
STEM is part of all the work we do at FDA’s Office of Minority Health and Health Equity as we pursue our mission to promote and protect the health of diverse research and communication of science that address health disparities.
Resources for You
FDA has many opportunities available for student internships and fellowships. Click the links, below, to learn more about these opportunities and to learn more about what FDA does to protect the health of people and animals every day.
- FDA Learning Portal for Students, Academia, and Industry | FDA
- Scientific Internships, Fellowships/Trainees and Non-US Citizens
- STEM Opportunities at FDA (OEEC Videos)
- Career Opportunities at the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
- NCTR Summer Student Research Program (pdf - 103KB)
- Career Opportunities at the FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
- What does FDA do?
- Meet the Faces behind FDA Science