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  4. January 18, 2023: Conversations on Cancer: “Seasons of Change: Oncology Careers”; Meeting Information; Registration; #ConversationsOnCancer. - 01/18/2023
  1. FDA Meetings, Conferences and Workshops

Webcast | Virtual

Event Title
January 18, 2023: Conversations on Cancer: “Seasons of Change: Oncology Careers”; Meeting Information; Registration; #ConversationsOnCancer.
January 18, 2023


January 18, 2023
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET
Organized By:

Program Description:  

The FDA Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE) Conversations on Cancer public panel discussion series event on January 18, 2023, will address oncology careers.
Oncology training is generally focused on preparing physicians to take care of individual patients. The career choices after training may seem relatively limited, e.g., private practice versus academia. A minority of people have opportunities to learn about careers for oncologists in industry, the government, or other fields.
Additionally, initial career decisions may not provide a lifelong ideal career fit. Personal and professional goals may change over time, opportunities for career development in a new organization may arise, or a spouse may require a geographic change for a new job.
This panel discussion will feature a diverse group of speakers who have traversed multiple career transitions, including research, education, advocacy, policy, academic medicine, industry, community practice, and regulatory roles. Some of the themes we plan to discuss include:

  • The wide range of roles available to oncologists. 
  • How a season of life can be defined by personal/family situations, professional development goals, or reprioritization of values.
  • How to craft one's career to fit each season of life, capitalize one’s strengths, and limit the negative impact of one’s weaknesses.
  • Negotiating work-life balance through each season of life.

Webcast Information: 

A free-of-charge webcast of this public panel discussion will be provided. Registration for the webcast is required at the link above. 
FDA plans to post archived webcast of this Conversations on Cancer program at: https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/project-community/conversations-cancer


For any inquiries regarding this program, please send an email to: OCE-Engagement@fda.hhs.gov

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