Voltage Vapor Shop LLC MARCS-CMS 614010 —
- Delivery Method:
- VIA Electronic Mail
- Reference #:
- RW2101560
- Product:
- Tobacco
- Recipient:
Recipient NameChase Calloway
- Voltage Vapor Shop LLC
United States
- Issuing Office:
- Center for Tobacco Products
United States
Dear Chase Calloway:
The United States Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products has completed an evaluation of your corrective actions in your responses dated March 26, 2021 and April 14, 2021 in response to our Warning Letter dated March 26, 2021. Based on our evaluation, it appears that you have taken steps to address the violation contained in the Warning Letter regarding the website
However, our surveillance shows you continue to offer for sale to customers in the United States other tobacco products that may be subject to market authorization requirements. FDA encourages you to discuss with your suppliers the current status of any particular tobacco product’s marketing application or any product’s marketing authorization. For additional information regarding currently marketed tobacco products that a company generally might manufacture, distribute, or sell without risking FDA enforcement, please visit our website
This letter does not relieve you or your firm from the responsibility of taking all necessary steps to ensure sustained compliance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and its implementing regulations or with other relevant legal authority. This letter also will not preclude any regulatory action should violations be observed in the future.
Nathan Everly
Branch Chief
Division of Promotion, Advertising, and Labeling
Office of Compliance and Enforcement
Center for Tobacco Products
VIA Electronic Mail
Voltage Vapor Shop LLC
Attn: Chase Calloway, LLC
Shopify, Inc