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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

  1. Home
  2. For Industry
  3. FDA User Fee Programs
  4. Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments
  5. Exhibit 4-5 long description
  1. Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments

Exhibit 4-5 long description

Product A submitted the CMC Reviewable Unit (RU) 12 months prior to the complete submission and the Discipline Review (DR) letter was issued at 6 months, the P/T RU was submitted 7 months early and the DR letter issued at 6 months, and an approvable letter issued 6 months after the complete submission. Product B had the P/T RU submitted 5 months early, the clinical RU submitted 3 months early, both received DR letters within 6 months, and an approval letter was issued following a 3 month extension. Product C submitted a P/T RU 5 months prior to the complete submission (DR letter issued in 5.3 months) and the application received an approval at 6 months. Product D submitted the CMC RU 4.5 months early (DR letter issued at 6 months), the P/T RU 4 months early (DR letter issued at 6 months), the Bio/Pharm RU 1.5 months early (DR letter 5.9 months), and a not approvable letter was issued 6 months after complete submission. Product E submitted the CMC RU 4 months prior to complete submission (DR letter issued at 5.9 months) and an approval action taken at 6 months. Product F submitted the P/T RU 2 months early (DR letter in 6 months), the CMC RU 1.5 months early (DR letter in 5.7 months), the application received a standard review with a clock extension at 9 months with an approvable letter issued. Product G submitted the Clinical, P/T, and Bio/Pharm RUs 3 months early, DR letters were issued in 6 months and the application received an approval at 6 months. Product H submitted the CMC and P/T RUs 1.5 months early with DR letters issued in 4.8 months and the product was approved 4 months after complete submission. Product I submitted the P/T RU 1 month early, received DR letter in 6 months and an approval letter 6 months after complete submission. Product J submitted the P/T 3 months early, the clinical 1.5 months early and the CMC RU 1 month early, all received DR letters in 6 months and an approval action was taken at 6 months.

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