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On Oct. 1, 2024, the FDA began implementing a reorganization impacting many parts of the agency. We are in the process of updating FDA.gov content to reflect these changes.

  1. Home
  2. For Federal, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Officials
  3. Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS) Programs and Initiatives
  4. Annex 4 - Performance Goal IV Activities
  1. Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS) Programs and Initiatives

Annex 4 - Performance Goal IV Activities

Performance Goal IV: Implementation of the recommendations in the Office of Inspector General’s final report on “Retail Food Safety” (September 7, 2001) and supporting activities.

(Note: Bold font indicates that the activity has been completed)


  • Review and begin to assemble existing user aids to the Food Code (e.g. spec. sheets, AFDO Pocket Guide) into a packet (an inspectors’ operations manual for Code implementation).
  • Identify gaps and additional needs and begin to revise packet as necessary.
  • Provide a recruitment clearinghouse on the web announcing regulatory vacancies.
  • Respond to 2002 CFP recommendations.
  • In FY 2002 and at least through FY 2004 -- Continue on-going work with states, CDC and Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) to support increased state involvement in EHS-Net and share lessons learned.
  • Continue to work with CDC, NACCHO, USDA and others on school food safety initiatives.
  • Identify gaps in federal food safety regulations applied to federal agencies that oversee highly susceptible populations through the Federal Food Safety Coalition.


  • Compile and make available to regulatory agencies a list of agencies using electronic software; information on what has been developed; and information on cost/benefit analysis done by at least one jurisdiction.
  • Develop procedure for issuing interim guidance or changes to the Food Code during the 4-year interval between full editions.
  • Develop an Inspector’s Operations Manual for Food Code Implementation for distribution to States, locals, and others. Gather feedback on the applicability and ease of use. Revise Food Code Annex 4 for consistency with the manual.
  • Satellite broadcasting of products of the 2001 Innovative Food Safety grants.
  • Continue EIS development and implementation (re-evaluation of the project resulted in its discontinuation due to the availability of software programs in the public domain).
  • Assist Minnesota Department of Agriculture in the implementation of EIS in its food safety inspection program.
  • Release EIS and its accompanying User Manual (re-evaluation of the project resulted in its discontinuation due to the availability of software programs in the public domain).
  • Explore contract funding & system development for EIS to accommodate either the Oracle-formatted baseline data or other database software “off the shelf” such as Microsoft Access (re-evaluation of the project resulted in its discontinuation due to the availability of software programs in the public domain).


  • Compile and make available to regulatory agencies a list of agencies using electronic software; information on what has been developed; and information on cost/benefit analysis done by at least one jurisdiction.
  • Develop an Inspector’s Operations Manual for Food Code Implementation for distribution to States, locals, and others. Gather feedback on the applicability and ease of use. Revise Food Code Annex 4 for consistency with the manual.
  • Work with ASTHO, NACCHO, and NALBO.
  • Satellite broadcasting of products of the 2002 Innovative Food Safety grants.
  • Begin to assemble and update the 2001 Food Code and supplement, based on the 2004 Conference of Food Protection.
  • Participate with CDC in workgroups, seminars and other activities that overlap with retail food initiatives in order to improve and coordination and consistency of messages to stakeholders.


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