Annex 4 - Performance Goal IV Activities
Performance Goal IV: Implementation of the recommendations in the Office of Inspector General’s final report on “Retail Food Safety” (September 7, 2001) and supporting activities.
(Note: Bold font indicates that the activity has been completed)
- Review and begin to assemble existing user aids to the Food Code (e.g. spec. sheets, AFDO Pocket Guide) into a packet (an inspectors’ operations manual for Code implementation).
- Identify gaps and additional needs and begin to revise packet as necessary.
- Provide a recruitment clearinghouse on the web announcing regulatory vacancies.
- Respond to 2002 CFP recommendations.
- In FY 2002 and at least through FY 2004 -- Continue on-going work with states, CDC and Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) to support increased state involvement in EHS-Net and share lessons learned.
- Continue to work with CDC, NACCHO, USDA and others on school food safety initiatives.
- Identify gaps in federal food safety regulations applied to federal agencies that oversee highly susceptible populations through the Federal Food Safety Coalition.
- Compile and make available to regulatory agencies a list of agencies using electronic software; information on what has been developed; and information on cost/benefit analysis done by at least one jurisdiction.
- Develop procedure for issuing interim guidance or changes to the Food Code during the 4-year interval between full editions.
- Develop an Inspector’s Operations Manual for Food Code Implementation for distribution to States, locals, and others. Gather feedback on the applicability and ease of use. Revise Food Code Annex 4 for consistency with the manual.
- Satellite broadcasting of products of the 2001 Innovative Food Safety grants.
- Continue EIS development and implementation (re-evaluation of the project resulted in its discontinuation due to the availability of software programs in the public domain).
- Assist Minnesota Department of Agriculture in the implementation of EIS in its food safety inspection program.
- Release EIS and its accompanying User Manual (re-evaluation of the project resulted in its discontinuation due to the availability of software programs in the public domain).
- Explore contract funding & system development for EIS to accommodate either the Oracle-formatted baseline data or other database software “off the shelf” such as Microsoft Access (re-evaluation of the project resulted in its discontinuation due to the availability of software programs in the public domain).
- Compile and make available to regulatory agencies a list of agencies using electronic software; information on what has been developed; and information on cost/benefit analysis done by at least one jurisdiction.
- Develop an Inspector’s Operations Manual for Food Code Implementation for distribution to States, locals, and others. Gather feedback on the applicability and ease of use. Revise Food Code Annex 4 for consistency with the manual.
- Work with ASTHO, NACCHO, and NALBO.
- Satellite broadcasting of products of the 2002 Innovative Food Safety grants.
- Begin to assemble and update the 2001 Food Code and supplement, based on the 2004 Conference of Food Protection.
- Participate with CDC in workgroups, seminars and other activities that overlap with retail food initiatives in order to improve and coordination and consistency of messages to stakeholders.