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  5. National Standardization of Intravenous (IV) and Oral Liquid Medications
  1. Safe Use Initiative

National Standardization of Intravenous (IV) and Oral Liquid Medications

Performer: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
Principal Investigator:
Deborah A Pasko, PharmD, MHA

Project Duration: 9/30/15-9/29/18

Regulatory Science Challenge

Intravenous (IV) products and compounded oral liquid products are two categories of medications that have caused significant patient harm within the last decade based on medications error reporting statistics. These two types of medications are used in vulnerable patient populations and include several high-alert medications. Standardization for IV and oral compounded liquid medications is an error prevention strategy for patient safety.

Project Description

This study will include the standardization of concentrations for both IV medications and oral compounded liquid medications. ASHP plans to identify a nationwide expert faculty panel for each group of medications, which will determine the standard concentration formulary to be disseminated. The standardized formularies will be disseminated through multiple avenues including direct mail, email, educational programs, and a website created for this purpose, and their adoption will be assessed. ASHP is working with its’ internal informatics team to develop a smart device App for teaching accurate measurement of oral liquid medications. The App is already under development and will consist of a formulary of all liquid medications.

Project Goals

  • Identify a nationwide expert faculty panel for IV products and compounded oral liquid medications
  • Create standard concentration formularies for IV products and compounded oral liquid medications
  • Create an App for oral medication measurement
  • Disseminate the standard formularies and assess their adoption


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