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  6. Reminder Ad (Correct)
  1. Prescription Drug Advertising

Reminder Ad (Correct)

Reminder ads give the drug's name but not the drug's use. The assumption behind reminder ads is that the audience knows what the drug is for and does not need to be told.  A reminder ad does not contain risk information about the drug because the ad does not discuss the condition treated or how well the drug works.

Reminder ads are not appropriate for drugs whose labeling has a "boxed warning" about certain very serious drug risks.

Follow the numbers in this sample for detailed information.

View an Incorrect Reminder Ad

Reminder Ad - Correct (Large)

1. The ad does not describe or name the condition the drug treats or make dosage recommendations. Notice that neither allergies nor any allergy symptoms are mentioned or pictured.

Reminder Slice 1

2. Reminder ads must identify the drug's brand name (if it has one) and its generic name.   The ad correctly mentions the fictional drug's brand name, Arbitraer, and its generic name, misvastatium.

Reminder Slice 2


Note: This website does not purport to set forth all the ways in which an ad may violate the law, but rather to explain to the public some of the basic concepts related to drug advertising. 

This site was developed as a collaborative effort between FDA and EthicAd to educate consumers about DTC prescription drug advertisements. 

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