Roster of the Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Devices Panel
Purpose: The Committee reviews and evaluates data concerning the safety and effectiveness of marketed and investigational orthopedic and rehabilitation devices and makes appropriate recommendations to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs.
Applying for Membership on FDA Advisory Committees
As part of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) ongoing efforts to recruit qualified experts with minimal conflicts of interest who are interested in serving on FDA advisory committees, FDA is requesting nominations for members to serve on its advisory committees.
Current Number of Vacancies: 2
Note, one or more vacancies may be in the nomination process or a final appointment may have been made.
Edward Y. Cheng, M.D.
Expertise: Orthopedic Surgery
Term 09/01/2024 – 08/31/2028
Mairs Family Endowed Chair in Orthopaedic Oncology
University of Minnesota
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
2512 South 7th Street, Suite R200
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Designated Federal Officer
Akinola Awojope, Dr.PH.
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Office of Management
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
WO Bldg. 66, Rm 5216
Silver Spring, MD 20993
Office: (301) 636-0512
Fax: (301) 847-8505
Thomas C. Barber, M.D.
Expertise: Orthopedic Surgery
Term: 08/29/2023 – 08/31/2026
Professor, Arthritis and Joint Replacement
University of California San Francisco
Orthopedic Institute
1500 Owens Street
San Francisco, CA 9415
Scott R. Evans, Ph.D., M.S.
Expertise: Clinical Trials, Biostatistics
Term: 09/01/2023 – 08/31/2027
Director, The Biostatistics Center
Professor and Founding Chair
Department of Biostatistics
and Bioinformatics
Milken Institute School of Public Health
George Washington University
6110 Executive Blvd., Suite 750
Rockville, MD 20850
Paul A. Manner, M.D.
Expertise: Orthopedics
Term: 09/01/2023 – 08/31/2027
Dept. of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
University of Washington School of Medicine
1959 Pacific Street NE
Box 356500
Seattle, WA 9819
Ty K. Subhawong, M.D.
Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology
Term: 08/29/2023 – 08/31/2026
Professor of Clinical Radiology and
Director, Division of Musculoskeletal
Department of Radiology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
1611 NW 12th Ave.
Miami, FL 33136
John S. Kirkpatrick, M.D.
Expertise: Orthopedics
Term: 08/29/2023 – 08/30/2026
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Orlando Veterans Administration Medical Center
13800 Veterans Way
Orlando, FL 32837
Melvin D. Helgeson, M.D., F.A.O.A.
Expertise: Orthopaedic Surgery
Term: 12/06/2023 – 08/31/2027
Professor of Surgery
F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine
Uniformed Services University Health Sciences
8901 Wisconsin Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20889
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