MOU 225-97-8000
Memorandum of Understanding
Between The Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Office of Facilities, Acquisitions and Central Services
Division of Central Services
Rockville, Maryland
and The Department of Health and Human Services
Administration Operations Services
Program Support Center
Division of Property Management
Personal Property Management Branch
Gaithersburg, Maryland
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Division of Central Services (DCS), Food and Drug Administration, and the Program Support Center (PSC), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is to define and delineate the responsibilities of the parties for the efficient and timely handling and pick-up of all excess personal property including scientific equipment that is made available by FDA programs in the Washington Metropolitan area. Attached is a current list of FDA occupied buildings. (Subject to change with notification.) A meeting held on May 2, 1996 between the parties allowed the opportunity for a meaningful exchange of concerns and problems associated with the way the activity is currently being handled. Consequently, it was mutually agreed that improvement was warranted which would benefit both parties and that a document, i.e. MOU, would serve to outline the expectations and requirements surrounding the excess activity.
A. The Program Support Center will:
1. Under normal operating conditions, process excess property
pick-ups as follows:
a. Parklawn Building: Request for pickups (HHS-22) received by the Parklawn Dock Supervisor prior to 11:30 a.m. will be picked up the same day. The only exception is when the volume is such that it exceeds the load capacity of the truck assigned to transport excess property from the Parklawn Building to the PSC Personal Property Facility (PSC PPF) on a daily basis. FDA Programs must coordinate large volume pickups with the Parklawn Dock Supervisor at least 24 hours prior to desired pick-up date.
b. The FDA Program is responsible for pickup coordination
with respective building managers.
2. Special Requests:
Special pickups will be picked up within 24 hrs. of request.
3. PSC contract personnel will check each item picked up to ensure the physical excess property matches the items listed on HHS-22. Property items which are not listed on the HHS-22 will not be removed by contractor personnel. PSC contract personnel will sign the HHS-22 in a conspicuous location on the front of the HHS-22 but not in the Property Custodial Officer, Receiving Official or Property Management Officer blocks.
4. Upon completion of the request, HHS-22's for excess items will be signed and processed within 48 hours of property receipt and returned to the DCS/PPMS.
B. The Division of Central Services (PPMS) will:
1. Agency decal number with make, model and serial number should be included for each line item listed on HHS-22.
2. Arrange to deliver HHS-22s requiring pick-up to PSC via mail, fax, and/or hand carry.
3. Maintain close liaison with PSC to ensure mutual cooperation and efficient service.
4. In the event of a problem that will change the pre-scheduled pickup, FDA will notify the PSC/PPF Scheduling/Dispatch Office to coordinate a new pickup time which is mutually acceptable to both parties.
5. FDA will ensure a point of contact name, phone number, room number and building for equipment pickups.
6. FDA will ensure that all HHS-22's listing equipment with data storage hardware include IRM clearances and authorized signatures.
7. FDA will ensure that all scientific equipment is cleaned of contaminants or radio active waste and tagged in accordance with all appropriate standards. Each item must have an NIH 2683 or an FDA Certification affixed to the equipment denoting items are free from hazards. Each document must be signed by certifying official.
8. Equipment nomenclature must be posted on each piece of scientific or medical equipment.
9. Ensure separate HHS-22's are prepared for furniture, office equipment, medical, and scientific equipment.
With implementation of the CUPIDS System, hardcopy HHS-22s will be replaced with Electronic forms. All other requirements will remain the same.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall be effective upon attainment of proper signatures and will be reviewed annually. The MOU may be terminated by either part with 30 days written notice.
All costs, reimbursements, or transfer of funds involved with this agreement will be in accordance with the Administrative Operations Service Billing Methodology and Rates.
Approved and Accepted
for the Program Support Center
Signed by: Lori Walker
Chief, Personal Property Management Branch
Date: February 11, 1997
Approved and Accepted
for the Food and Drug Administration
Signed by: Mendel D. Hill
Acting Director, Division of Central Services
Date: February 6, 1997