MOU 225-71-4007
Memorandum of Understanding Between The Department of Defense
United States Army
Corps of Engineers
and The Food and Drug Administration
The Department of Defense/U.S. Army/Corps of Engineers hereby agrees to enter into a joint effort with the Food and Drug Administration (hereinafter referred to as the FDA), providing for consumer protection during natural disasters as described herein.
PURPOSE: To continue consumer protection through cooperative action during times of natural disasters caused by flooding.
A. U.S. Army/Corps of Engineers Responsibilities:
The U.S. Army/Corps of Engineers will notify FDA district Directors of all floods in their areas which may cause damage to stocks of foods and drugs or water supplies of food or drug manufacturing plants.
B. FDA Responsibilities:
The FDA, after notification by the District Engineer, U.S. Army/Corps of Engineers of a natural disaster, cooperates with local, state and Federal Food and Drug Agencies in:
1. Inspecting, impounding, or destroying damaged food and drug supplies, with all due consideration to the processes of law;
2. Inspecting, closing, and certifying for reopening of damaged food and drug manufacturing and warehousing establishments; and
3. Keeping informed as to the proper methods for handling contaminated, spoiled, or suspect foods and drugs.
C. FDA Regional and District Office Addresses with Name of Key Personnel:
See Regulatory Procedure Manual Transmittal Notice – No. 46 – 2/12/71 attached hereto.
A. Mr. Richard Rahte
Chief of Emergency Operations
Office of Chief of Engineers
Department of Defense/U.S. Army/Corps of Engineers
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 4F065
Washington, D.C. 20314
Telephone: 693-6875
B. Mr. Donald R. Martin
Director, Inspection Staff/ACFC
Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Telephone: 443-4510
This Agreement, when accepted by both parties, covers an indefinite period of time and may be modified by mutual consent of both parties, or terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice.
Regulatory Procedure Manual
I. General
A. Directory of HEW Regional Offices
REGION I | Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont | J.F. Kennedy Fed. Bldg. Government Center Boston, Mass. 02203 |
REGION II | New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands | Federal Bldg. 26 Federal Plaza New York, N.Y. 10007 |
REGION III | Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia | 401 N. Broad Street Mail: P.O. Box 8796 Philadelphia, PA 19108 |
REGION IV | Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Sourth Carolina, Tennessee | Room 404 50 Seventh St., N.E. Atlanta, Ga. 30323 |
REGION V | Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin | Room 712 New P.O. Bldg. 433 W. Van Buren St. Chicago, Ill. 60607 |
REGION VI | Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas | 1114 Commerce Street Dallas, Texas 75202 |
REGION VII | Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska | 601 East 12th Street Kansas City, Mo. 64106 |
REGION VIII | Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming | 9017 Federal Office Bldg. 19th and Stout Street Denver, Colo. 80202 |
REGION IX | Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Guam, American Samoa, Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, Wake Island | Federal Office Bldg. 50 Fultojn Street San Francisco, Calif. 94102 |
REGION X | Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington | Arcade Building 1321 Second Ave Seattle, Wash. 98101 |
Regulatory Procedure Manual
A. List of District Offices and Resident Inspection Posts
1. District and Field Offices
Type | City, State, Zip Code | Mailing Address | Area Code | Telelphone Number |
FO | Atlanta, Georgia 30309 | 60--8th Street, N.E. | 404 | 526-5265 |
DO | Baltimore, Maryland 21201 | 900 Madison Avenue | 301 | 962-3396 |
FO | Boston, Massachusetts 02109 | 585 Commercial Street | 617 | 223-3174 |
DO | Buffalo, New York 14202 | 599 Delaware Avenue | 716 | 842-6900 |
DO | Chicago, Illinois 60607 | 1222 Post Office Bldg. 433 West VanBuren Street | 312 | 353-5863 |
DO | Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 | 1141 Central Parkway | 513 | 684-3500 |
DO | Dallas, Texas 75204 | 3032 Bryan Street | 214 | 749-2735 |
DO | Denver, Colorado 80202 | 513 U.S. Customhouse | 303 | 837-4335 |
DO | Detroit, Michigan 48207 | 1560 E. Jefferson Avenue | 313 | 226-6262 |
FO | Kansas City, Mo. 64106 | 1009 Cherry Street | 816 | 374-5521 |
DO | Los Angeles, Calif. 90015 | 1521 W. Pico Blvd. | 213 | 688-3771 |
DO | Minneapolis, Minn. 55401 | 240 Hennepin Avenue | 612 | 725-2121 |
DO | New Orleans, LA 70130 | 222 U.S. Customhouse Bldg. 423 Canal Street | 504 | 527-6341 |
DO | New York, N.Y. (Brooklyn) 11232 | 850 Third Avenue | 212 | 788-1300 |
DO | Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 | 1204 U.S. Customhouse 2nd & Chestnut Streets | 215 | 597-4390 |
DO | San Francisco, Calif. 94102 | Rm. 518, Federal Office Bldg. 50 Fulton Street | 415 | 556-2062 |
FO | Seattle, Wash. 98104 | Rm. 5003 Federal Office Bldg. 909-1st Avenue | 206 | 583-5300 |
Regulatory Procedure Manual
I General
1.1 Field Rosters
a. Regional Food and Drug Directors
Region I – Arthur J. Beebe
Region II – Weems L. Clevenger
Region III – Theo. C. Maraviglia
Region IV – Leslie O. McMillin
Region V – Donald C. Healton
Region VI – Louis C. Weiss
Region VII – Charles A. Armstrong
Region VIII - Fred L. Lofsvold
Region IX – Irwin B. Berch
Region X – Franklin D. Clark
b. Deputy Regional Food and Drug Directors
Atlanta Field Office – Joseph J. Milunas
Baltimore District Office – M. Lee Strait
Boston Field Office – Anthony C. Celeste
Buffalo District Office – Curtis R. Joiner
Chicago District Office – William R. Clark
Cincinnati District Office – Clifford G. Shane
Dallas District Office – Joe P. Durham
Denver Field Office – E. Pitt Smith
Detroit District Office – Alan L. Hoeting
Kansas City Field Office – Lloyd Claiborne
Los Angeles District Office – Abraham I. Kleks
Minneapolis District Office – Henry P. Roberts
New Orleans District Office – Nevis E. Cook
New York District Office – Robert J. Martin
Philadelphia District Office – Loren Y. Johnson
San Francisco District Office – William C. Hill
Seattle Field Office – James W. Swanson
Approved and Accepted
for the Department of Defense/U.S. Army/Corps of Engineers
Signed by: F.J. Clarke, Lt. Gen, USA
Chief of Engineers
Date: July 27, 1971
Approved and Accepted
for the Food and Drug Administration
Signed by: R. Moure, Assistant Commissioner for Administration
Date: July 20, 1971