Priority Area 8: Strengthen Social and Behavioral Science to Promote Informed Decision-Making About FDA-Regulated Products
One way that FDA protects the public from harm and promotes public health is by making sure you get accurate, science-based information to use the medicines and foods you need to get and stay well.
To translate science-based regulatory decisions and information into public health gains, FDA is working to:
- identify gaps in key areas of knowledge and in reaching diverse audiences
- evaluate the effectiveness of FDA's Risk Communication, and
- integrate knowledge from research and evaluation into practice.
We do this by conducting research, encouraging extramural research, and seeking expert advice.
Extramural Research Funded through the BAA
- Supporting Innovation by Enhancing Regulatory Knowledge in Academia
- The National Medical Device Curriculum: Supporting Innovation by Enhancing Regulatory Knowledge in Academia
- Nurse Pain Educator Pilot Program (NPE)
- FDA Health Care Professional Communication Project
- Integrated Clinical Decision Support System to Advance the Safe Use of Antibiotics
- Pragmatic Risk Score for Severe Hypoglycemic Events
- Optimizing the Use of Opioid Therapy Following Surgery
- FDA Physician Communication Project: Testing with Professional Societies
- Evaluating the Impact of Flow Restrictors on Pediatric Exposures to Liquid Single Ingredient Acetaminophen
- Improving Safe Use of Fluoroquinolones Through Development of an Innovative Educational Program