Joint Public Meeting on the Use of Cell Culture Technology to Develop Products Derived from Livestock and Poultry
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hosted a joint public meeting to discuss the potential hazards, oversight considerations, and labeling of cell cultured food products derived from livestock and poultry tissue.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm EST
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm EST
Jefferson Auditorium in the South Building
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
1400 Independence Avenue SW.
Washington, DC 20250
FSIS and FDA officials made presentations on their roles and responsibilities relative to the production and labeling of safe and wholesome food and their respective regulatory frameworks, including their inspection systems, as a basis for discussing what oversight framework might be most appropriate for cell cultured food products derived from livestock and poultry. Representatives of industry, interested individuals, and other stakeholders participated in the meeting.
Animal cell culture food technology refers to the controlled growth of animal cells from livestock, poultry, fish, or other animals, their subsequent differentiation into various cell types, and their collection and processing into food. Full tissue formation in culture is an active medical research area, as well as a strong focus of commercial interest for food applications. Many companies, both domestic and foreign, are actively developing products using this technology. Some of these products are being designed to have the same or similar compositional, nutritional, and organoleptic characteristics as traditional meat and poultry products. Once produced, the harvested cells could potentially be processed, packaged, and marketed in the same, or similar, manner as traditional meat and poultry products.
For additional information, see the Federal Register notice announcing the meeting.
Meeting Materials
Agenda (PDF)
Meeting Recordings & Presentations
Day 1 Morning Session Recording
Day 1 Afternoon Session Recording
Day 2 Morning Session Recording
Day 2 Afternoon Session Recording
Submit electronic or written comments to docket folder FSIS-2018-0036 starting Thursday September 13, 2018. The comment period closes November 26, 2018.
Submit comments electronically on to docket FSIS-2018-0036.
Submit comments by mail, including CD-ROMs, to:
Docket Clerk
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food Safety and Inspection Service
1400 Independence Avenue SW
Mailstop 3758, Room 6065
Washington, DC 20250-3700
All comments should be identified with the docket number FSIS-2018-0036.
NOTE: On July 12, 2018, FDA held a public meeting on foods produced using animal cell culture technology. Comments received in response to that meeting will be reviewed jointly by FDA and FSIS. There is no need to resubmit comments already submitted to FDA.
For additional information, see the Federal Register notice announcing the meeting.