Note: The scientific classification of a species may be reviewed by fishery taxonomists, and their review may result in a scientific name change for a species. These scientific name (Latin binaries) changes may be indicated on the RFE pages, or by searching the Seafood List, but will not be changed on the tagged image files. The validity of a scientific name for any species may be checked by consulting taxonomic references such as ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information system). Any outdated or invalid scientific names will remain in this database denoted as invalid with a citation and link to the (current) valid nomenclature. Different taxonomic sites may make these changes at different times. References citing the Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia or data therein should take the following form:
"Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia: U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 1993-2016"
Also please reference the photographer(s) as listed on the image files.