New Protein Consultations
Consultations of New Non-Pesticidal Proteins Produced by New Plant Varieties
Consultations initiated with the FDA under the early food safety evaluation guidance are designated New Protein Consultations or NPCs. During the consultation, FDA evaluates the developer’s Early Food Safety Evaluation of the new non-pesticidal protein produced by the new plant variety under development for food use. The Inventory of New Protein Consultations lists all completed consultations. Each record in the inventory contains:
- the NPC Submission Number
- the name of the developer
- the name of the protein
- the date that FDA received the developer’s Early Food Safety Evaluation
- the date of FDA’s response letter
For each record in the inventory, the developer’s Early Food Safety Evaluation and FDA’s response letter are accessible by clicking on the link in the corresponding Date column.
New Protein Consultations Inventory