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Transcript of About FDA's Regulatory Science Program

[ON SCREEN TEXT] About FDA's Regulatory Science Program with Janet Woodcock, M.D., Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

JANET WOODCOCK: I'm always really happy to discuss CDER's regulatory science efforts. We define regulatory science as developing or assessing the tools, the standards, the approaches that we use to evaluate the safety, the effectiveness, and the quality of drug products.

Regulatory science benefits industry by helping to streamline the drug development process using new tools, and CDER uses it to develop policies and our standards and approaches. So regulatory science is really an essential tool to moving science of drug development forward.

Most importantly, I think we should remember, though, that regulatory science benefits those patients, the people who need the best possible information about medicines and also those patients who are waiting for new therapies to treat their diseases.

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